Elon Musk Hints That He May Launch a New Social Media Network Sometime in the Near Future

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Twitter is a who’s who of influential people.

It has been used to great effect by everyone from presidents to rock stars to athletes and celebrities.

When someone well known tweets, it provides material for an army of journalists to send new stories out into the world for dissection, digestion, and further addition to the public discourse.

One famous person who has used Twitter as well or better than anyone else is the now-richest man in the world (that we know of, at least): Elon Musk.

Musk has 79.9 million followers on Twitter, and he has even used it to influence cryptocurrency trading among other surprisingly effective uses.

Despite the tremendous power he wields through Twitter, Musk believes that there is a new for something new in today’s social media landscape.

Musk Has a Question for Twitter Users, and Hints at New Social Network

elon musk social media

Musk may be on his way to becoming the world’s first trillionaire according to reports.

But he has bigger fish to fry and continues to engage himself on societal problems.

A regular Twitter user, Musk recently asked whether or not the company’s algorithm should be made public. A whopping 82.7% of users voted “Yes.”

Musk also said he believed it should be open source as well.

Critics say that open source networks could lead to security concerns, but others say that social media censorship and giving platforms like Twitter and Facebook some healthy competition is a more pressing concern.

Musk Admits He’s Given “Serious Thought” To Creating New Social Media Platform 

According to a Tweet released last month, Musk appears as if he has been seriously considering starting a new social media network.

elon musk


In a later Tweet, Musk said “free speech is essential to a functioning democracy” and wondered whether or not Twitter “rigorously adheres to this principle.”

So, it seems as if Musk has really been marinating on this issue for quite some time now.

Do you think it’s a good idea, and would you sign up for a social media network run by Elon?

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