23 Signs Your Body Needs More Nutrients: How To Address These Vital Deficiencies

Nutrition is one of the main foundational elements of health. If you are deficient in nutrients your body will have to make up for it in other ways. Minerals, vitamins, antioxidants and other compounds from the food that we eat create cellular health and help our organs to operate functionally and ideally, optimally.

In our western world however, we struggle with our diets. Even our food has less nutrients in it because the soil that grows the food is void of nutrients. Traditional farming practices that were void of chemicals and rich in probiotics and minerals have impacted the health of the soil which then impacts the health of our food.

Thankfully our body showcases signs that give us the guidance to know what is going on inside our body. These signs will show up as abnormal. Your skin, eyes, waistline and many other parts of the body reveal what is going on inside your body.

If you understand what is going on you can take appropriate action to get the right minerals, vitamins or other nutrients into your diet in order to ensure that your health is on track.

Take a look at the 23 Signs Of Nutritional Deficiencies in This Video:

What is The Most Important Formula For Nutrient Absorption?

As a health coach and educator for over 15 years now I have experimented with many different types of diets, supplements, superfoods and more. In this time I have learned a lot along the way. There are single isolated supplements and nutrients that are great for specific things but there is one unique thing found in nature that I believe is the best thing to take for OVERALL nutrient absorption.

What is Nutrient Absorption?

The food you eat is broken down and the nutrients are absorbed or excreted through the urine. The level of nutrients that you absorb is directly correlated to the health of your gut. The healthier your gut is the better you will absorb these nutrients.

Here’s an example..

If I eat a meal and in that meal I have:

100 MG of vitamin C

100 MG of vitamin B12

50 MG of Vitamin A

But my body only absorbs 20 mg of vitamin C, 20 mg of vitamin B12 and 10 MG of vitamin A I am only absorbing 20% of the nutrients that I consume. Make sense?

This is why Nutrient absorption is SO very important.

Two Recommendations To Improve Nutrient Absorption:

  1. Shilajit: Shilajit is a resin that is quite literally formed and scraped off the Himalayan mountain region (if it is sourced properly) and it contains 84 nutrients, mostly minerals, trace minerals and amino acids. This formula also contains vital nutrients such as fulvic and humic acid which help cells absorb nutrients and also to remove and detoxify. Shilajit directs traffic in the body by helping nutrients get to where they need to be and stay there while cleaning the cell of waste so that there is ROOM for the nutrients to do what they need to do.

    I take Shilajit every single day because I notice my energy levels are much higher, my gut feels better, my poops are bigger, and i’m healthier overall. It also strongly supports the health of the kidneys and adrenals (your stress glands) according to Ayurvedic medicine which has been used and proven for thousands of years.

    I tell people that Shilajit converts stress into energy, and it does. It’s a powerful adaptogen that filters the body, improves nutrient absorption, detoxifies and gets your body on track quickly. It’s great for gut health, kidneys, bladder and adrenals.

    I get my Shilajit from Omica Organics, you can click here to visit their website. Be sure to use the discount code: healthywildfree to get 10% off your order.
  2. Radiate 21: Radiate 21 is a multi-mineral and multi-vitamin all in one. It contains 21 ingredients from Chinese, Amazonian and Ayurvedic medicine that have been time tested and proven to improve lymphatic health, gut health and convert free radicals and oxidative stress into energy.

    The formula contains an incredible tree sap from Peru called Sangre De Grado (Dragon’s Blood in English) and this tree sap is a collagen binding sap. It seals, heals and repairs a leaky gut.

    Leaky Gut occurs when there are little holes in the gut lining and food particles leak into the bloodstream instead of getting broken down, where nutrients would then be extracted.

    The formula also contains many immune building nutrients that help to kill things like parasites, candida and other nutrient ROBBING pathogens in the body. This helps your body absorb nutrients in a higher ratio in another unique way.

    Together, Shilajit and Radiate 21 work together wonderfully as they improve nutrient absorption, gut health, detoxification and removal of pathogens from the body. I take both daily and recommend both daily. You’ll notice a tremendous difference.
Visit Radiate21.com to learn more.

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