Retired Army Engineer & Master Electrician Shares A Free Way Discharge Radiation & EMF’s

In the realm of holistic health, some of the most unconventional techniques can be remarkably effective. Interestingly, many of these methods are also quite affordable, such as one recommended to me by Dave Setzer, a former Army engineer and now a master electrician.

Mr. Setzer, a former U.S. Army engineer and researcher of dirty electricity, spoke at a health conference I attended several years ago. He explained that aluminum foil has the unusual ability to help cleanse electromagnetic fields (EMFs) from the body, including those from Wi-Fi and 5G radiation. This is particularly significant today, as we are constantly exposed to harmful radiation.

In 2018, Connecticut Senator Richard Blumenthal spoke out about the potential harmful effects of 5G technology. While acknowledging technological advances, he referenced “very powerful evidence of tumors” associated with 5G exposure.

He criticized government agencies for not doing enough to protect the American people. “At what cost is the question,” Senator Blumenthal stated at a press conference. “And all I’m asking from the FCC is to do your job and study the health hazards.”

Why Stetzer Recommends Standing on Aluminum Foil Before Bed

One effective way to cleanse your body from harmful EMFs before bed is to stand on a piece of aluminum foil.

Mr. Setzer shared this method with the audience at the health conference, attributing it to the research of Dr. Magda Havas, who studies electromagnetic fields and radiation. More information on her research can be found on her website.

According to, Setzer’s protocol for cleansing the body from radiation is unconventional but effective. “Dave Setzer recommends balancing our electrical activity by simply standing on a piece of aluminum foil with bare feet for 30 to 60 seconds,” the website states, echoing the presentation I attended.

“Our feet act like electrical terminals, and the aluminum foil conducts the electrical activity in our body back and forth between our feet until it reaches a point of balance. Similar to walking barefoot on the Earth, which has been linked to healing from diseases considered ‘incurable’ by mainstream doctors, this quick process of standing on foil before bed helps the electrical currents in your body find a safe exit.”

While this may sound like the notion of “wearing a tinfoil hat,” often used to mock conspiracy theorists, many who have tried it find it surprisingly effective. If you are concerned about the health effects of aluminum foil, stainless steel works just as well, according to Mr. Setzer.

Electricity and Its Potentially Harmful Effects

According to Dr. Sam Milham, another EMF researcher, there is a clear correlation between rates of “dirty electricity” and rising disease rates.

Dr. Milham analyzed U.S. vital statistics and census records from 1920–1960 and compared the health outcomes of urban and rural populations, as shared by He discovered that urban death rates were significantly higher than rural rates for cardiovascular diseases, malignant diseases, diabetes, and suicide in 1940.

His statistical analysis suggested that the 20th-century epidemic of these diseases might have been at least partially due to dirty electricity, which has worsened significantly in the era of Wi-Fi and now, 5G.

Dr. Joel Moskowitz, a renowned public health researcher from the University of Cal-Berkeley, described 5G as a “massive experiment on all species.” He stated that the true effects of 5G are “unknown” and have been “understudied,” a concern he voiced at a press conference in 2018. “That is a sign of neglect and disregard on the part of the Federal Communications Commission that seems unacceptable,” Dr. Moskowitz added. More information can be found here.

How To Mitigate The Health Effects Of Dirty Electricity & Radiation

  1. Radiate 21: This 21 botanical supplement contains four of the top ten highest rated ORAC antioxidants in the world. This helps to deal with the free radical damage and oxidative stress that EMF’s, dirty electricity and radiation cause. Learn more in this video:

    2. Hydrogen Water: Hydrogen acts as an antioxidant that helps to combat the effects of radiation. I personally have a hydrogen water machine from Echoh2 which you can visit by clicking here. Use the discount code: healthywildfree to get 10% off your order!

    3. Lambs clothing: This clothing utilizes Faraday wiring in order to repel radiation away from your body. I love their products. I have their shirt, hat and boxers. Highly recommended especially if you drive a tesla or work in an office with a lot of EMF’s. Click here to visit

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