The kitchen is often called the heart of the home, but it hasn’t always been the most eco-friendly room in terms of sustainability. Food waste …
35 Circus Elephants Arrive in Amazing Florida Sanctuary to Retire in 11 Watering Holes, Forest & Grassland
It’s an unlikely place for a circus, but it may be the only way to give these elephants their own happy ending. For years now, …
5 Elementary Schools In The US are Growing Their Own Food – Your Childs’ School Can Too
Obesity rates among children in the US seem to be at a constant incline. Currently, about 17% of children in America are suffering with obesity …
5 Toxic Ingredients in Hand Sanitizer & Bleach (Do This Instead)
Wash your hands, use hand sanitizer in between washes, avoid touching surfaces with bacteria and “enjoy” the life of living in a bacteria free filled …
Discover The Genius Hack: Regrow These 10 Common Fruit and Vegetable Scraps From Nothing Instead of Wasting Them!
What if I told you that you’ve been tossing out hundreds of dollars each year on groceries? With the cost of produce on the rise, …