Get Rid Of Your Chronic Winter Cough With This Popular Autumn Spice – Wields 8 Powerful Medicinal Benefits & You Probably Have It In Your Spice Cabinet Already


As the cold weather approaches, many of us start stocking up on cough drops and cough medicine in preparation for what is often inevitable – a nagging, chronic winter cough. You may assume that reaching for over-the-counter medications or prescription cough suppressants is your only option for quick relief. However, you likely have a powerful, natural cough remedy sitting right in your kitchen spice cabinet already.

This popular autumn spice, widely used in pumpkin spice lattes, harvest baked goods, Thanksgiving dishes, and more can do more than add festive flavor. Recent research has revealed that this spice wields up to eight impressive medicinal benefits that make it an excellent cough remedy and immune booster perfect for the colder months when coughs and sniffles strike most often.

So before you fill a prescription or spend money on expensive medications this winter, take a look in your kitchen first. A chronic cough doesn’t stand a chance against this beloved fall spice. Read on to learn what it is, how it works to tame your cough, and how you can harness its healing potential with some surprisingly tasty home remedies.


The autumn spice that holds the key to banishing your chronic winter cough is likely already tucked away in your pantry – cloves. Cloves come from the dried flower buds of the Myrtaceae tree family and feature a distinctive spicy, warming flavor and aroma. We adorn baked hams with cloves, stick them into oranges for mulled holiday drinks, and let them infuse chai tea with spice – but cloves can do more than make things taste and smell nice.


The compounds found in cloves have been well-researched for their impressive therapeutic potential. The most powerful of these medicinal compounds are eugenol, acetyl eugenol, beta-caryophyllene, vanillin, crategolic acid, tannins, and gallotannic acid. Together, these clove phytochemicals impart antioxidative, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, anesthetic, antiviral, antibacterial and antifungal properties. This makes the humble clove a veritable pharmacy contained within a dried flower bud!

One of the most valued aspects of clove medicine is the effect these compounds have on respiratory ailments like coughs. Research shows that cloves exert anti-inflammatory effects to soothe airway inflammation that triggers coughing. Compounds in cloves may also numb nerve endings in the throat, acting as an anesthetic cough suppressant much like over-the-counter medications. Furthermore, the antiviral and antibacterial properties of cloves can help fight hidden respiratory infections exacerbating chronic winter coughs.

10 Key Health Benefits of Cloves

1. Cloves are packed with fiber

One of the best things you can do to ease digestion and promote regularity is to consume an adequate amount of fiber daily. Fortunately, cloves check the box in this department. “For a spice, cloves have an impressive amount of fiber,” says dietitian Amy Gorin, RDN. “One teaspoon of cloves provides close to a gram of fiber.”

2. Cloves can help regulate blood sugar levels

According to Gorin, cloves contain a mineral that can help regular blood sugar levels. “Cloves provide manganese, a mineral that can help regulate blood sugar levels,” Gorin says, which is why she recommends adding a pinch or two into your cooking to reap its benefits.

3. Cloves have antibacterial properties

Sure, there are other ways to improve oral hygiene, like using expert-recommended mouthwashes or consuming foods that promote oral health—but cloves can also lend a helping hand. “Clove oil has been investigated as an antibacterial agent1, per preliminary research,” Gorin says. “In one study, a mouth rinse containing clove, basil, and tea tree oil was found to help fight plaque and bacteria in the mouth.”

4. Cloves can help alleviate tooth pain

One of the most notable potential benefits of cloves is they can be used as an essential oil for toothaches thanks to their pain-relieving compounds like eugenol, which acts as a natural antiseptic. In fact, one study found that clove oil can help relieve tooth pain caused by dry socket.

5. Cloves have anti-inflammatory properties

Another main benefit of cloves is their anti-inflammatory properties. Past studies have indicated that the eugenol in cloves could help reduce the body’s inflammatory response. Using clove oil (or black seed oil) as a lotion or adding cloves to tea may also help combat inflammation.

6. Cloves can help protect against aging

Cloves are also high in antioxidants that can help protect your body against the signs of aging. Sprinkle cloves into smoothies, rice dishes, or desserts as an easy way to boost your daily antioxidant consumption.

7. Cloves can be used as a cough suppressant

If you feel a cough coming on, you may want to consider reaching for some cloves. In Ayurvedic medicine, cloves are also used to suppress a cough by relaxing the throat muscles. Ayurvedic medicine recommends chewing on the cloves directly (but not swallowing them). You can also brew them into tea and serve them with raw honey.

8. Cloves can work as an insect repellent

Insects such as mosquitoes, ants, and wasps are deterred by the scent of cloves. Researchers have found that a compound in cloves called eugenol is an effective agent for killing insects and larvae. A spray bottle of diluted clove oil might serve as an effective natural pest control for your home.

9. Cloves may support skin health

Topical applications of clove oil may support skin health too. Because of its anti-inflammatory properties, clove oil is a promising solution for relieving inflammation in the skin. Cloves also possess antibacterial properties, which can make them useful for treating acne caused by bacteria.

10. Cloves can help soothe digestive discomfort

Using cloves to ease digestive problems is also a common practice in Ayurvedic medicine. Cloves relax the stomach lining and are used to relieve nausea, gas, and vomiting. To reap the benefits, she recommends brewing a tea with cloves and ginger. Then sip and enjoy.

Benefits To Drinking Clove Water?

Drinking water that has been steeped with cloves can help keep you stay hydrated, improve digestion, flush out bacteria, and boost immunity. Additionally, it can help decrease gas while improving the rate of digestion.

Nutritional value of cloves

1 tbsp of ground cloves contains approximately:

18 calories
4 grams of carbohydrates
2.2 grams of fiber
.15 grams of sugar
.4 grams of protein
1.3 grams of fat
40.5 mg of calcium
9 mcg of vitamin K
1.9 mg of manganese
.573 mg of vitamin E
.081 mg of vitamin B6
6 mcg of folate

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This is a powerful formula in a liquid capsule that supports the health of the gut, the lymphatic system and supporting your body’s internal antioxidant response system to combat the damage caused by free radical stress and oxidation in your environment.

The formula will reduce your stress, increase your energy levels, improve digestion and give you more vitality in life. I love Radiate 21 and take it every day. Learn more at

As you can see, the versatile clove packs an impressive medicinal punch – especially when it comes to taming stubborn, chronic coughs this winter. Their anti-inflammatory, anesthetic, and antimicrobial compounds work to soothe irritated respiratory tissues, block cough triggers, and fight hidden infections. With such science-backed benefits, a dash of cloves can make a powerful natural ally against your chronic winter cough.

Next time a coughing fit strikes, skip the drugstore and raid your spice cabinet instead. Infuse honey with clove powder as a soothing syrup, drink warm clove milk with cinnamon, or chew whole cloves for numbing relief instead. Just a few cloves can work wonders to give chronic coughs the boot – no prescription required.

So this winter, tap into clove’s natural healing heritage if you find yourself suffering from the inevitable seasonal scourge of coughs. Chances are you already have this multi-purpose autumn spice on hand to start harnessing its respiratory benefits today. Give cloves a chance to work their familiar, fragrant magic on that stubborn chronic cough of yours.

Recommended Reading:

How To Use Limes Or Lemons and Cloves To Repel Mosquitoes All Summer Long (Without The Harmful Cancerous Chemicals in Off Spray)

Put a Clove of Garlic in the Toilet Before Going to Bed, Here’s What Happens To Your Toilet in The Morning

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