Homeless Dog Walking Around the Streets with a Pumpkin Sized Head is Barely Recognizable Today

gus the pumpkin headed dog

Dogs are among the kindest, most gentle creatures on Earth, even moreso when they are properly taken care of by their human counterparts.

But recently, one story caught the attention of millions of people in large part because of the challenges that one particular dog had to face.

While most dogs have a loving home or at least a home of some kind thanks to our incredible volunteers and adoption centers, a dog named Gus not only didn’t have a home for quite some time, he also had a troublesome problem: his head swelled up so much it started looking like a pumpkin, and became a difficult medical condition that was too worrisome to ignore.

Thankfully, this story does have a happy ending, but that happy ending did not come without plenty of strife, both for Gus and his concerned human.

Gus the Pumpkin Head Dog Captures the Attention and Adoration of Millions


gus pumpkin dog

The story of Gus was shared by Houston’s KHOU-11 TV station, during which the abused dog was profiled and shared with the local region.

Gus had been shot at least 25 times with a pellet gun, causing his head to swell to the size of the pictures shown.

Eventually, Gus was found after wandering the streets, and a life-saving surgery was performed by the Texas A&M Small Animal Clinic, which took care of scar tissue that was dangerously close to his jugular vein and carotid artery.

Check out the video below to see how it all went down.

In a video shared by the Facebook page We Love Animals, his owner described the situation, how Gus was found, and how he was brought home and off the streets where he could be safe.

“I was like, ‘Is that really a dog?’

He had to be captured using a trap, which was important because he was in pretty rough shape.


“We couldn’t imagine how he could look so bad, the weight of his head was so bad that he was just dragging his head down.”


His owner took him to the hospital and it became a series of Kodak moments from then on out for Gus and his team of human angels.


“I cred because I couldn’t believe it,” his owner said. “He had no hope, no sense of anybody ever caring for him and he was still a puppy, he was only ten months old.”


She brought Gus home to “complete his recovery,” and the rest is history.

Once Gus felt safe, he settled in nicely, and now he loves visiting with strangers on the street.

His once giant pumpkin sized head is unrecognizable, and he is as social as they come.


“I think he just became more comfortable and confident that he was okay once he realized that he was safe and just became a very relax and happy dog,” she said.


“He was good with other dogs, he’s good with people, his temperament is just amazing,” she said.

Check out Gus’ story below, and be sure to commit this story to memory because it shows the power of what adoption and looking out for others in need, whether human or animal, can do for someone going through a tough time.

Thanks so much to KHOU11 and We Love Animals, and Jean Clauden, producer of the YouTube video below for sharing, and God Bless whoever happens to be reading this story!


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