Owls are typically thought of as taking shelter under trees, but the smaller they are, the more ingenious they get, as this adorable little owlet showed the world recently.
Perhaps you’ve seen a similar photo of a frog or toad, but in this case, the subject was a feathered friend.
The photo shows how well camouflaged owls are against their natural environment of forest floors and mosses when they hide to blend into their surroundings.
Owls have been known for being sleepy creatures that can sleep during all hours of day or night, so it is not unusual to see them taking shelter wherever possible on cold days with any type of weather condition like this one where there appears to be heavy rainfall outside.
On this day, this image of the tiniest owl you’ll ever see was captured.
It’s hiding under this mushroom to keep safe from raindrops falling down all around it!
The tiny little owlet is so adorably cute and sweet that it would be impossible not to love him or her immediately.
The photos were taken by Tanja Brandt of her pet owl, Poldi.
They have taken the Web by storm since they were first released a few years back.
Now, her Instagram page is blowing up, over 379,000 followers.
It’s yet another example of how creativity and passion can go a long way in today’s Internet age.
“Poldi…I got him when he was five months old. He didn’t want to come out his egg and he was very small, the smallest,” Brandt said to BoredPanda.
“His six sisters were all hatched, and as he was the last to be born, days after the others, he was very small.
“I also have a Harris Hawk named Phönix, a Weissgesichtseule named Gandalf, and a snow owl named Uschi,” Brandt added.
Tanja enjoys making her animals the subject of photos for a wide variety of reasons. It’s not always easy to get them in the position she wants, but that’s just part of the fun.
“I think my animals like to be photographed. Why? Because I am always outside with my camera and with my animals,” Brandt said.
“So we get to walk together, have fun, go on adventures, have little breaks.”
Brandt likes to play with her animals while also photographing them. It makes for a fun afternoon and a great rapport between the photographer and her beloved subjects, which in term makes for excellent photos that have taken the Internet by storm!
“We take some pictures and after the animals can play again as we keep going. I know my animals very well and I can see their state of mind.
“If I go out with just one of my animals, the other get antsy and want to be with us. We have lot of fun together.”
If you’d like to check out Tanja’s photos or support her work, visit her Instagram page here.
For now, let’s enjoy the incredible style and ingenuity of these unforgettable photos.
Here’s one of her dog Ingo and fellow owl friend Gandalf!
Tanja, now in her early 50’s, previously suffered a stroke.
Her photography and interest in bird husbandry as well as taking care of animals helped turn her life around in a big way.
It’s yet another example of how important it is to follow your passion in life, and do what makes you happy!
Tanja has healed, and anyone else going through difficulties should see how important it is to place happiness first.
Check out this video of Tanja and her shepherd as they mimic each other’s behavior on a photo shoot.
Cuteness overload, ladies and gents!
Thanks as always for reading and be sure to share these photos with any animal lovers in your life.