Being environmentally conscious is a good thing. We only have one earth, even though billionaires like Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos are exploring ‘space’ and promising we’ll be civilized there, there really are no promises. Earth is our one home and we have to take care of it to the best of our ability. When our life comes to an end we have a few different options as to how our body is handled.
First, we can be buried like men and women have been for thousands of years. The challenge here is that we take up space and filling the earth with graveyards just doesn’t make a lot of sense to me. The plus is that our loved ones can visit our gravesite. Three of my four grandparents I can visit, which is rather nice. It’s a nice way to pay them respect and keep them in our memories. The typical cost of a burial with a casket is about $6,500.
The second option is cremation. Cremation is a very simple process of burning the corpse. The body is prepared and placed into a proper cremation container. The container with the body is moved to the “retort” or cremation chamber. After cremation, the remaining metal is removed, and the remains are ground into ashes. These “ashes” are then transferred to either a temporary container or in an urn provided by the family. This is nice because there is no real estate being taken up. The typical cost of cremation is about $2,000. About a third of a burial.
The third and newest option is what’s called an ‘aquamation’ which is where your body quite literally dissolves in water. It is also called Alkaline hydrolysis, its scientific name. With aquamation there is no fire or smoke. Water is gently flowed over the body as water, heat, sodium and potassium gently break down the proteins and fats of the body. It’s actually replicating what’s happening in the grave except for it’s doing it in about 2 hours instead of years. This is said to be a around $2,000 to $3,000.
Watch this video to learn more:
The following post below is an excerpt from fackebook:
This is Emily. She’s standing beside her “corpse dissolving resonator” in her stylish Denver shop that specializes in the final chapter.
What happens to the body after death is big business. Caskets cost thousands of dollars and the land they are deposited into costs more.
Every year we bury enough caskets to measure 4 million square acres of forest. Enough to build over 90,000 homes. The body might decompose (slowly, if it’s embalmed) but the lacquered wood with brass and steel adornments will take generations to break down.
More than half of the US population chooses cremation, sold as a cleaner option, but in reality just a different kind of bad. Every year North Americans alone use enough fossil fuels during cremation to drive halfway to the sun and back.
So what do we do, then, in a death avoidant culture with a very real issue of bodies on its hands?
We innovate. We use the elements. We look at how other countries and other industries are doing it and we pave a new way.
I am so proud of my friend and colleague Emily who is opening the doors of her “Be a Tree Cremation” center this week. This new technology uses water (rather than fire) to break down the body. It produces a whopping – zero – emissions and uses about the same amount of water and energy that you would consume in an average 2 days of living.
It’s also gentle to the body, breaking the soft tissues and organs down first, into a liquid that is an amazing fertilizer and can be used to grow plants. The remaining skeleton is clean, never burned, and returned to the family as a fine white powder.
Emily also offers a tree concierge service, where she assists families in the planting of a tree in thier loved ones honor. At DeathWives are honored to be partnering with her as celebrants, home funeral guides and death doulas in this work.
You can decompose in water and become a tree for a fraction of the price of traditional burial, so it’s an economical choice as much as an ecological one.
Congratulations, Emily!!! We’re proud of the work you have done and are grateful for the innovation and soul that you are bringing to the death space.
To learn more about water cremation – follow Be a Tree Cremation 💚
#watercremation #aquamation #dissolve #finaldisposition #bodies #deathwives #deatheducation #BeATree #beatreecremation
End Facebook Post
The real question here is, what is the best option for you and your loved ones? Personally I’ve said for years I’d rather be cremated than buried but now I’m rethinking that and thinking aquamation may be the best way to go. It seems gentler, lighter and simpler. I do however question the legitimacy of the ‘green claims’ that they make. I’m sure these capsules produce a similar amount of energy as a cremation site. Just because fossil fuels aren’t burned on-site, doesn’t mean they aren’t burned off-site.
But who really knows. I’d have to do more reading and research. What I do know is that cremation or aquamation is a better option for me personally.
Either way, it’s good to know there are three options for the afterlife now!