Study Finds Conservatives are 30% More Charitable Than Liberals Even With A Lower Income – And What They Give To is Even More of A Rabbit Hole

Have you ever wondered how our political beliefs impact the way we give back? It’s a fascinating topic, and researchers have been digging into it. In this article, we’ll dive into the factors that might explain the differences in charitable giving between conservatives and liberals. By looking at some key studies, we can gain insights into how our political ideologies influence our generous side.

Liberals demonstrate remarkable compassion by advocating for extensive government spending to assist the most vulnerable individuals both domestically and internationally. However, when it comes to personal contributions to charitable causes, liberals are often seen as less inclined to give. Interestingly enough, advocating for government spending is not giving but instead asking for others to give, which tends to be more of the liberal approach.

Inherently liberals are more careless with their finances than conservatives. Liberals are ‘liberal’ meaning to be less conservative. Conservatives are more directed with their finances which is why they tend to be wealthier.

According to Arthur Brooks, the author of “Who Really Cares,” households led by conservatives donate approximately 30 percent more to charity than those led by liberals. A study conducted by Google found an even more significant disparity, with conservatives reporting almost twice the average annual contributions compared to liberals.

Various other research studies have arrived at similar findings. The Catalog for Philanthropy’s “generosity index” consistently reveals that red states are more likely to donate to nonprofits, while Northeastern states are least likely to do so.

Interestingly, Democrats, who vocally express concern for the hungry and homeless, personally contribute less money to charity than Republicans, who are often criticized for attempting to reduce children’s health insurance coverage.

Brooks shared his surprising revelation in his book, stating, “When I began researching charity, I expected to discover that political liberals – whom I believed genuinely cared more about others than conservatives – would be the most privately charitable individuals. However, my early findings led me to the opposite conclusion. I assumed I had made some technical error and ran numerous analyses, obtained new data, but nothing altered the results. Eventually, I had no choice but to change my perspective.”

This pattern is also evident on an international scale. European countries seem to display more compassion than the United States in terms of providing social safety nets for the poor, and they contribute significantly more per capita in humanitarian foreign aid. Nevertheless, as individuals, Europeans are far less charitable compared to Americans.

Americans donate an amount equivalent to 1.67 percent of the Gross National Product (GNP) to charity, as noted in the book “Philanthrocapitalism” by Matthew Bishop and Michael Green. The British rank second with 0.73 percent, while the French are the least generous at 0.14 percent.

According to Google’s data, if donations to religious organizations are excluded, liberals actually give slightly more to charity than conservatives. However, Brooks claims that when measured as a percentage of income, conservatives are more generous than liberals, even when it comes to secular causes.

Furthermore, while conservative donations often result in the construction of community servicing facilities such as churches, liberal contributions frequently sustain art museums, symphonies, schools, and universities that primarily serve the affluent. Supporting the arts and education is commendable, but it is not synonymous with helping the needy. Some research even suggests that donations to education contribute to increased inequality as they predominantly benefit elite institutions attended by the wealthy.

Political Ideology and Charitable Giving:

Did you know that researchers have found some interesting trends in how conservatives and liberals give? Some studies suggest that conservatives tend to donate a higher percentage of their income to charitable causes than liberals. But hold on a sec, that doesn’t mean all conservatives are more charitable than all liberals. It’s just a general pattern they found. And hey, let’s not forget that values and priorities can differ between individuals, regardless of their political affiliation.

Take a Look At What The Study Concluded:

Exploring Contributing Factors:

Alright, let’s get into the nitty-gritty. There are a bunch of factors that influence charitable giving, and they’re not limited to just politics. We all have our own beliefs and experiences that shape our choices. So, when it comes to conservatives and liberals, they tend to support causes that align with their values and passions.

For example, conservatives might lean towards causes that promote traditional values. That could mean supporting religious institutions, community-based initiatives, or organizations focusing on family and patriotism. On the flip side, liberals might be more inclined to back causes related to social justice, environmental sustainability, healthcare access, or educational equity. It’s all about what resonates with each individual.

Considering Nuance and Individual Variations:

You know what? We’re all unique, my friend. It’s crucial to remember that within conservative and liberal communities, there’s a whole spectrum of giving preferences. We can’t just paint everyone with the same brush. Factors like income, education, and where we live also play a significant role in shaping our giving behavior.

Think about it—each one of us has our own passions and connections. Some causes might hit closer to home, inspiring us to give with all our hearts. And hey, personal experiences can be a game-changer too. They can shape our empathy and drive us to support specific issues that have touched our lives.

While there are trends that emerge in studies, let’s not forget that charitable giving is a complex mix of factors. It’s not just about politics. So, we should approach generalizations with caution. The beautiful thing about giving is that it’s deeply personal, and we should celebrate the diversity within both conservative and liberal communities.

What Do Conservatives & Liberals Give To?

When it comes to charitable giving, conservatives and liberals tend to support a wide range of organizations and causes that align with their respective values and priorities. It is important to note that individual preferences and variations within each political group can result in diverse choices of organizations to support. While generalizations should be avoided, the following examples provide a glimpse into some organizations that conservatives and liberals may be inclined to give to based on common trends:

Conservatives Tend To Give To:

  1. Religious Institutions: Many conservatives who identify as religious may prioritize giving to their local churches, religious charities, and faith-based organizations that support their communities. These can be dangerous to give to if they are large and commercial operations like a Joel Oelsteen church that hides money in its bathroom walls.
  2. Community-Based Initiatives: Conservatives often emphasize the importance of community and may contribute to local charities, food banks, and shelters that provide direct assistance to individuals in need within their communities.
  3. Pro-Life Organizations: Conservatives who hold strong pro-life beliefs may support organizations that advocate for the protection of unborn children and provide resources to women facing unplanned pregnancies.
  4. Veterans’ Organizations: Conservatives, often valuing patriotism and military service, may donate to organizations that support veterans, offer healthcare services, or provide financial assistance to military families. Liberals tend to avoid these people that have been negatively impacted by serving in the military.
  5. Humanitarian Aid: Conservatives tend give to organizations that provide humanitarian relief and aid to parts of the world that need support. Parts of the world that need food, water, shelter. Many religious organizations are tied in and do philanthropic work in the 1040 window around the world.

    Liberals Tend To Give To:

  1. Social Justice and Civil Rights: Liberals often advocate for social justice and equality. They may donate to organizations focused on civil rights, racial justice, LGBTQ+ rights, gender equality, and initiatives that address systemic injustices. The trap here is that many of these ‘civil rights’ organizations are fraudulent in nature and prey on liberals to take their money. BLM (black lives matter) is an example of this. The founder has contributed nothing to the African American community and takes money promising to do so. These organizations you have to be cautious around.
  2. Environmental and Conservation Causes: Liberals tend to prioritize environmental sustainability and may support organizations focused on climate change, wildlife conservation, renewable energy, and environmental protection. This tends to be a good cause to donate to unless you’re donating to someone’s ‘green business’ and lining their pocketbooks which is the case many times.
  3. Healthcare and Access to Education: Liberals may contribute to organizations that work towards affordable healthcare, access to quality education, student scholarships, or initiatives promoting STEM education. The challenge here is that the healthcare system in America is quite broken. We spend more money on healthcare in this country so funding a system that is broken only makes it harm people faster. We are fatter, sicker, and have more diabetes and rates of disease like cancer and heart disease but we spend more money
  4. Humanitarian and Refugee Assistance: Liberals often express concern for global humanitarian crises. They may donate to organizations that provide aid to refugees, support international development, or assist those affected by natural disasters.

Beginning this article I thought that conservatives were wealthier than liberals but it turns out that liberals have more wealth than conservatives overall, yet conservatives still give more. This says something about the heart of conservatives. They are called ‘bleeding heart liberals’ but maybe this should apply to conservatives.

Another finding that became apparent was that liberals donate to causes that tend to benefit them or their community back directly, so it’s not as much giving that benefits all. Conservatives also fund their beliefs such as pro-life, but their funds go to causes that benefit the community (everyone) at large, which reveals something even deeper about their character.

Conservatives Have a Brain Liberals Have a Heart

 “If you’re under 25 and you’re not a liberal, you don’t have a heart. If you’re over 25 and you aren’t conservative, you don’t have a brain.” – Popular Saying.

It’s a saying that has sparked countless debates and stirred up emotions. But let’s take a moment to reflect on the deeper meaning behind these words.

When we’re young, our hearts burst with idealism and compassion. We yearn for justice and equality, driven by an unyielding desire to make the world a better place. In our youthful exuberance, we often find solace in the liberal ideals that champion social progress and fight for the marginalized. Our hearts beat with an unstoppable rhythm, fueled by a genuine belief in a brighter future.

But as the years pass, experience seeps into the core of our being. We witness the complexities of life, the challenges that emerge when ideals collide with the harsh realities of the world. It is during this journey that we start to appreciate the importance of stability, the wisdom that comes with time. And so, our minds start to seek a deeper understanding, embracing the conservative values that prioritize tradition, fiscal responsibility, and the preservation of what we hold dear.

In other words, every one of us has a little bit of liberal and a little bit of conservative in us. Maybe we can do a better job at coming together and supporting the human race (the only one) as a whole.

It is crucial to emphasize that these examples are not exhaustive, and individuals within each political group may support a wide array of causes based on their personal beliefs, experiences, and passions. Charitable giving is a highly individualized choice influenced by various factors beyond political affiliation. Therefore, it is important to avoid assuming a uniform set of organizations for conservatives or liberals and recognize the diverse range of causes supported by individuals within both groups.


Studying the relationship between political ideology and charitable giving reveals interesting trends, but it is important to avoid generalizations and acknowledge the complexity of the topic. While some studies suggest variations in giving patterns between conservatives and liberals, individual variations within each group are substantial.

The causes supported by individuals across the political spectrum vary widely. Conservatives and liberals may be motivated by different issues that resonate with their values, experiences, and personal beliefs. Factors such as income, education, and geographic location also influence charitable giving, alongside political ideology.

To gain a comprehensive understanding, future research should consider the nuanced differences within both conservative and liberal communities. By exploring the diverse range of causes supported by individuals, researchers can provide valuable insights into the complex relationship between political affiliation and charitable behavior. This knowledge can help foster a culture of generosity that transcends political divisions and promotes positive change in society.

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