The World’s Rarest Whale Has Been Captured on Film and This is the Breathtaking Footage

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There are few things more exhilarating than going whale watching and seeing the majestic beasts in real live action.

Most whale-watchers spot animals like orcas or humpback whales, and these are some of the most exciting animals to see in real life.

Recently, scientists record film of an elusive and little known species that is believed to be the world’s rarest whale.

It’s called the Omura’s whale, and the footage was captured off the coast of the African coast of Madagascar. Truly, this is one whale that defied the odds.

Scientists Could Not Believe Their Eyes

This particular whale was a true mystery until the sighting.

Scientists had never seen it in the wild before, and their numbers are unknown.

The discovery is now making waves because it had been feared that the Omura’s whale was extinct.

These animals are real life Loch Ness monsters that just so happen to live in the ocean.

The Legend of the Omura’s Whale Has Come True

“Over the years, there have been a small handful of possible sightings of Omura’s whales, but nothing that was confirmed,” said conservation researcher Salvatore Cerchio.

“This is the first definitive evidence and detailed descriptions of Omura’s whales in the wild and part of what makes this work particularly exciting.”

Legendary Whales are Small But Magnificent

“They appear to occur in remote regions and are difficult to find at sea, because they are small-they range in length from approximately 33 to 38 feet-and do not put up a prominent blow,” Cerchio said.

These are truly some of the most magnificent creatures in the entire ocean.

Nature never ceases to amaze, as this footage shows.


Recommended Reading: Authorities Seize $1 Million Of Whale Poop 

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