One of the things I love about the holiday season and Christmas for those that celebrate is it’s a time of year to truly highlight and express gratitude. Sure, some of our family members can be challenging and it’s important to remember to be grateful and have what many call ‘an attitude of gratitude’ to move through it all.
I remember a speaker on stage once saying “What you appreciate appreciates” and that always stuck with me, and that applies to everything in your life. Anything that you appreciate and have gratitude for appreciates in value.
This could be your place of dwelling, your home. This could be your romantic partner, spouse, husband. This could be your job or a new opportunity in your life. The less grateful and thankful we are for these things the more we devalue their worth. The more appreciation we have for what is in our life the more these things grow in value.
It’s one of the simplest life hacks. Simply appreciate what you have and value it. In doing so, it grows in value and becomes more valuable over time. Why is it hard to appreciate? Social media and what we see tells us we’re not good enough, we don’t have enough and we’re not adequate enough when truly appreciation is the very thing we need.
There’s actual science showing how valuable gratitude is. Gratitude is something that benefits our physical, mental and emotional body. If we can focus on being grateful and expressing gratitude in 2022 we can have a year that grows and appreciates in value. Why not partake in the simple act of gratitude while it makes our life better?
4 Solid Benefits Of Gratitude
- Boosts The Immune System & Heart Health:
Believe it or not being grateful boosts your immune system and improves heart health. Heart related conditions are the #1 cause of death in the United States. The immune system is what fights pathogens, viruses and many other deadly diseases. Your physical health benefits from gratitude. That alone is worth it. #attitudeofgratitude
- Improves Mental Health & Wellbeing:
Multiple studies have shown that gratitude improves the mental health and wellbeing of an individual. A 2020 study showed that gratitude reduced depression and anxiety in individuals. Feeling more positive and optimistic about life in general. This is linked to an overall improved mood.
- Gratitude Improves Relationships:
Gratitude is beneficial and valuable not only for old relationships but new relationships as well. Be it romantic, personal or romantic relationships. Gratitude helps partners feel more satisfied with each other. A 2010 study showed that gratitude increased relationship satisfaction as well as showed a higher level of happiness the next day.
- Gratitude Creates Optimism:
A 2003 and 20019 study both showed that gratitude in individuals created a more optimistic environment overall. A 10 week study showed that regular gratitude improved patients lives and helped them feel more optimistic about their future. Do you think that an optimistic outlook provides a more optimistic outcome? I think so.
There are many ways to express and facilitate in the growth of gratitude in your life. One way is to simply do what’s called gratitude journaling. Gratitude journaling is the act of writing down what you’re thankful for and why you’re thankful for it. This will begin to condition your mind to be more grateful and to express gratitude more often. What we focus on expands, and if we focus on gratitude by writing it out we will highlight that and find more ways to appreciate the small things in our life.
People, places and things can all be appreciated. The opportunities for gratitude are endless. Part of my intention in 2022 is to focus on appreciating more of what is in my life. The people, places, things and events. The more I appreciate the more I know that life will begin to unfold in a beautifully rich way. Next year, focus on being grateful for everything that you have and even being grateful for what you believe is to come.
Never forget the phrase “What you appreciate appreciates” and an #attitudeofgratitude is what changes things for the better. Be sure to use that hashtag in social media to inspire more gratitude and appreciation at large! Cheers to a year ahead full of appreciation, as we appreciate it!