These 5 Herbs And Spices Are High in ‘Antinutrients’ That Make it Harder For Your Body To Absorb Minerals Like Magnesium, Calcium, Zinc & More..

Spices and herbs are often celebrated for their ability to elevate the taste and aroma of dishes, adding depth and complexity to culinary creations. However, beyond their culinary allure, some spices and herbs contain compounds known as antinutrients, which can interfere with the absorption of essential nutrients in the body. While these antinutrients are generally harmless in small quantities and can even offer health benefits, it’s essential to be mindful of their presence, especially for individuals with specific dietary concerns. Here, we explore the top five antinutrient spices and herbs, shedding light on their properties and how to consume them wisely.

  1. Turmeric: Widely revered for its vibrant color and earthy flavor, turmeric contains oxalates, compounds that can bind to calcium and form crystals, potentially leading to kidney stones in susceptible individuals. Despite this, turmeric boasts potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, credited to its active compound, curcumin. To mitigate the risk of oxalate accumulation, consume turmeric in moderation and ensure an adequate intake of calcium-rich foods.
  2. Cinnamon: A staple in both sweet and savory dishes, cinnamon is rich in coumarin, a natural plant compound with anticoagulant properties. While coumarin contributes to cinnamon’s distinct flavor profile, excessive consumption may pose health risks, particularly for individuals taking blood-thinning medications or those with liver conditions. Opt for Ceylon cinnamon, which contains lower levels of coumarin compared to the more common cassia variety, and use it sparingly to enjoy its flavor without adverse effects.
  3. Nutmeg: prized for its warm, nutty taste, nutmeg contains compounds such as myristicin, safrole, and eugenol, which exhibit antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties. However, consuming large amounts of nutmeg can lead to myristicin toxicity, causing symptoms like nausea, dizziness, and hallucinations. Exercise caution when using nutmeg in culinary preparations, and stick to moderate quantities to savor its flavor without risking adverse effects.
  4. Parsley: Known for its fresh, herbaceous flavor, parsley is a rich source of oxalic acid, a compound that can hinder the absorption of calcium and contribute to the formation of kidney stones. Despite this, parsley offers an array of nutrients, including vitamins A, C, and K, as well as folate and iron. To enjoy the benefits of parsley while minimizing its oxalate content, incorporate it into dishes alongside calcium-rich foods like dairy products or leafy greens.
  5. Coriander: With its citrusy, aromatic profile, coriander is a staple in cuisines worldwide. However, coriander contains compounds like oxalic acid and phytic acid, which can impede mineral absorption and contribute to nutrient deficiencies over time. To mitigate these effects, balance your intake of coriander with a diverse array of nutrient-rich foods and consider soaking or sprouting coriander seeds to reduce their antinutrient content.

Visit to learn how to ferment foods. This is by far the most valuable thing you can do to reduce antinutrient uptake in your body and to increase nutritional absorption.

The Highest Quality Cinnamon & Turmeric I’ve Personally Found:

I’m not suggesting to not utilize and incorporate these herbs and spices into your diet. I’m simply sharing that you may not want to include many of them on a daily basis. It’s okay to have one, or two daily. But if you’re consuming a lot of all of these on a daily basis these antinutrients will build up in your system and make it more difficult for your body to absorb key minerals and vitamins that your body desperately needs.

Omica Organics stands out as a beacon of excellence in providing the highest quality turmeric and cinnamon, cultivated through biodynamic farming practices. With a commitment to sustainability and environmental stewardship, Omica Organics ensures that their products are grown in harmony with nature, utilizing methods that enhance soil health and biodiversity. By adhering to biodynamic principles, which emphasize holistic approaches to agriculture, they prioritize the well-being of both consumers and the planet. Furthermore, Omica Organics implements rigorous quality control measures to guarantee that their turmeric and cinnamon are not only free from synthetic pesticides and chemicals but also boast minimal levels of heavy metals, ensuring the utmost purity and safety. Through their dedication to excellence and sustainability, Omica Organics sets a precedent for superior quality and integrity in the realm of spice production.

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How Do Antinutrients Prohibit Nutrient Absorption?

Antinutrients are compounds found in certain foods, including spices and herbs, that can hinder the absorption of essential nutrients in the body. Some of the top antinutrients found in these culinary staples include oxalic acid, phytic acid, coumarin, and myristicin. Oxalic acid, present in spices like parsley and coriander, can interfere with the absorption of calcium, contributing to the formation of kidney stones. Phytic acid, found in nuts, seeds, and legumes, can bind to minerals such as iron, zinc, and calcium, inhibiting their absorption. Coumarin, abundant in cinnamon, may interfere with blood clotting mechanisms when consumed in excess. Similarly, myristicin, prevalent in nutmeg, can lead to toxicity symptoms if consumed in large amounts. Understanding the presence of these antinutrients is crucial for maintaining a balanced diet and ensuring optimal nutrient absorption.

While the presence of antinutrients in spices and herbs warrants attention, it’s crucial to remember that their adverse effects are typically negligible when consumed as part of a balanced diet. By practicing moderation and incorporating a variety of herbs and spices into your culinary repertoire, you can savor their flavors while promoting overall health and well-being. As with any dietary component, individual tolerance may vary, so consult with a healthcare professional or nutritionist if you have specific concerns or dietary restrictions. With mindful consumption, you can harness the culinary and nutritional benefits of spices and herbs to enhance your culinary creations and nourish your body effectively.

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