Actor Johnny Depp Accuses Ex-Wife of Ruining His Life and Career in $50 Million Defamation Lawsuit

johnny depp abuse


Actor Johnny Depp has been in the media spotlight lately over his ongoing $50 million defamation lawsuit against his wife Amber Heard.

Heard wrote an op-ed alluding to claims of alleged abuse in December 2018, which Depp says ruined his career.

Depp is suing her alleging that her claims were fabricated and that she is the one who beat him.

Depp Says He Was Dropped From ‘Pirates of the Caribbean’ Days After the Op-Ed

Depp revealed under questioning from his own lawyer that Disney dropped him from the sixth installment of ‘Pirate of the Caribbean’ days after the piece was published.

The movie is currently in “dangle mode” and has not been produced as of yet, Depp said during the trial.

His ex-wife has refused to give in, however.

In cross-examination, Heard’s attorney Ben Rottenborn asked about a Daily Mail article from October 2018 which reported that Depp was “out as Jack Sparrow.”

“I wasn’t aware of that, but it doesn’t surprise me,” Depp testified at the trial.

“Two years had gone by of constant worldwide talk about me being this wife beater. So I’m sure that Disney was trying to cut ties to be safe. The #MeToo movement was in full swing at that point.”

Depp Accuses Ex-Wife of Domestic Violence

Heard first accused Depp of domestic violence after she filed for a restraining order in 2016.

A divorce two months later put the controversy to bed, but the shadow of her allegations remained.

Depp said did not fight Heard’s original claims them based on advice he received, but now they have resurfaced.

“The advice I was given was to not fight it,” Depp testified. “I wasn’t given much of a choice.”

“I would be a real simpleton to not think that there was an effect on my career based on Ms. Heard’s words, whether they mentioned my name or not,” he said.

Depp also alleged Heard threw a bottle of vodka at him that severed his finger.

He said Heard repeatedly attacked him and berated him, and that he would typically hide by locking himself in a bedroom or a bathroom.

He denied ever getting violent with her.

How Johnny Depp Can Win Court Case Against Ex-Wife Amber Heard

Depp will have to figure out a way to show that the damage to his career came from Heard’s 2018 op-ed.

Depp argued that her piece did have an effect.

He also stated that his career was ”done” from “the second the allegations were made against me,” he said according to a report from

“Once that happened, I lost then,” he said. “No matter the outcome of this trial, I’ll carry that for the rest of my days…I’m suing her over defamation and the various falsities that she used to bring my life to an end.”

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