Do These 3 Things To Clean Your Washing Machine of Toxic Mold Getting Into Your Clothes

Keeping Your Washing Machine Mold-Free: Baking Soda and Vinegar Method

A clean washing machine is essential for maintaining fresh and odor-free laundry. However, over time, mold and mildew can build up in the nooks and crannies of your machine, leading to musty odors and potentially affecting your clothes’ cleanliness. While commercial cleaning products can be effective, they often contain harsh chemicals and fragrances that may not be ideal for everyone. Thankfully, there’s a natural and affordable solution: using baking soda and vinegar to clean mold out of your washing machine.

Understanding the Mold Problem in Washing Machines

Mold and mildew thrive in damp and dark environments, making washing machines an ideal breeding ground. Factors such as using cold water for washing, low ventilation in laundry rooms, and leaving the washing machine door closed after use can contribute to mold growth. Signs of mold in your washing machine include musty odors, black or grayish stains, and a slimy residue on the door seal or detergent drawer.

Why Baking Soda and Vinegar?

Baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) and vinegar (acetic acid) are two natural and safe cleaning agents that work well together to combat mold, mildew, and odors. Here’s why they are effective:

1. Baking Soda: Acts as a mild abrasive, helping to scrub away grime and residue. It also neutralizes odors, leaving your washing machine smelling fresh.

2. Vinegar: Has antibacterial and antifungal properties, making it effective against mold and mildew. It also helps dissolve mineral deposits and soap scum.

Step-by-Step Cleaning Process

1. Gather Your Supplies:

– Baking soda
– White vinegar
– Microfiber cloth or sponge
– Old toothbrush (optional)
– Hot water

2. Clean the Exterior:

– Mix a paste of baking soda and water to create a gentle abrasive cleaner.
– Use a microfiber cloth or sponge to scrub the exterior of the washing machine, focusing on areas with visible mold or grime.
– Rinse thoroughly with water.

3. Clean the Interior:

– Start with an empty washing machine.
– Pour 1 cup of baking soda into the detergent dispenser or directly into the drum.
– Run a hot water cycle on the longest and hottest setting. This helps dissolve any buildup and prepares the machine for deeper cleaning.

4. Target Moldy Areas:

– Inspect the door seal, detergent drawer, and any other areas prone to mold growth.
– Dip an old toothbrush in white vinegar and scrub moldy areas thoroughly.
– Wipe away loosened mold and vinegar residue with a damp cloth or sponge.

5. Final Rinse with Vinegar:

– Pour 2 cups of white vinegar into the detergent dispenser or directly into the drum.
– Run another hot water cycle on the longest setting. The vinegar will disinfect and deodorize the interior, eliminating any remaining mold or mildew.

6. Air Dry and Maintain:

– After the cycle is complete, leave the washing machine door open to allow airflow and prevent moisture buildup.
– Repeat this cleaning process monthly or as needed to keep mold and odors at bay.

Tips for Prevention:

Use Hot Water Regularly: Running occasional hot water cycles helps prevent mold growth and dissolves detergent buildup.

Keep the Door Open: Allow the interior of the washing machine to dry completely by leaving the door ajar between uses. Keeping this open allows for airflow and reduces mold build-up.

Clean Detergent Drawers: Remove and clean detergent drawers regularly to prevent residue buildup.

Use Less Detergent: Overusing detergent can lead to excess residue, providing a breeding ground for mold. Follow manufacturer recommendations for detergent usage.

By incorporating baking soda and vinegar into your washing machine cleaning routine, you can effectively tackle mold, mildew, and odors without harsh chemicals. This natural cleaning method is not only safe but also budget-friendly and environmentally friendly. With regular maintenance and a few simple steps, you can enjoy a fresh and clean washing machine and keep your laundry smelling and feeling great.

Recommended Laundry Detergent:

Truly Free Home: A non-toxic laundry detergent derived from coconut, salts and essential oils. Most laundry detergents are very toxic and full of chemicals. These chemical compounds stay on your clothing and irritate your skin and you breathe these in. Dump the toxic laundry detergent and switch to Truly Free. Click here to learn. 

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