The Harmful Ingredients in Tide They Dont Want You to Know

If you’ve washed a load of laundry, chances are you’ve used Tide Detergent before. Tide is by far one of the most widely used detergents in America but could it be secretly harming you and your loved ones? It’s a comforting thought to think that what you wash your clothes in doesn’t matter and even if it does, it would take a very long time to see the effects. Sadly, the effects may already be present. Check out this article to find out just how unsafe Tide truly is.

Harmful Ingredients In Tide Detergent

Lets tackle the largest chemical concerns with Tide first:

1,4- Dioxane

Tide Detergent

1,4-Dioxane is used as a solvent. Short term exposure to high levels of 1,4-dioxane can cause vertigo, drowsiness, headache, anorexia and irritation of the eyes, nose, throat, and lungs in humans. It may also irritate the skin. Damage to the liver and kidneys has been observed in rats chronically (long-term) exposed. Tumors have been observed in orally exposed animals. EPA has classified 1,4-dioxane as a Group B2, probable human carcinogen.

The main chemical that makes Tide laundry detergents harmful is 1,4-dioxane. Experts say that 1,4-dioxane is a massive irritant to the skin and respiratory system. It can also cause issues with your kidney. Additionally, some health experts say that it’s been linked to cancer-related problems. Never use laundry detergents that contain this ingredient because it is harmful to your health. Also avoid using any detergent that contains this ingredient if you have a newborn or pets. Very few detergent companies, including Tide, place this ingredient on their label so be sure to check online for their full list.

Phthalates (Artificial Fragrances)
In Tide

Tide Detergent

Phthalates are linked to breast and other cancers. They are linked to metabolic syndrome, a syndrome marked by a set of abnormalities of blood pressure, blood sugar, cholesterol, and waistline that raises the risk of full-blown diabetes, heart attack, and stroke.

Phthalates are responsible for the scent in laundry detergents and nearly all scented Tide laundry detergents contain phthalates. That overpowering “clean” scent you smell with tide is actually a known carcinogen.

Health experts report that phthalates are often linked with hormonal imbalance. Because phthalates can penetrate the bloodstream and interfere with the skin, it’s highly recommended not to use products that contain this on children. Just say no to phthalates, there are plenty of healthier laundry alternatives.


Tide Detergent

Dimethicone is a synthetically derived silicon-based polymer or long silicone ingredient. Dimethicone is one of the most widely used ingredients in both cosmetics and personal use products as well as a food additive in cooking oils and kids’ toys.

Dimethicone hinders our skin from its normal activities such as temperature regulation, sweating, and removing dead skin cells. If you have sensitive skin, dimethicone is known to induce allergic reactions.

Frequent use can actually dry out your skin as it interferes with the body’s natural hydration processes.  As a result, fine lines and wrinkles can become more noticeable. Dimethicone isn’t needed to clean clothes so why is it an ingredient?

Liquitint (Blue Dye)

Tide Detergent

Liquitint® Patent Blue Liquid is a water-soluble, bright blue, polymeric colorant designed for use in household and industrial cleaners, laundry products, portable toilet chemicals, glass cleaners, windshield washer fluid, car wash detergents & waxes, water-based adhesives, water-soluble fertilizers, ponds, and other applications.

The Cleveland Clinic reports states that food allergy symptoms are similar to food intolerance. Blue dye allergy symptoms include nausea, diarrhea, stomach pain, heartburn, bloating, gas cramps, vomiting, nervousness and headaches.

When consumed you may have more allergic symptoms from the blue dye like: hyper-activity, skin ailments, breathing problems, headaches, stomach aches, vomiting, aggression and insomnia.

Does Rinsing Get Rid Of These Chemicals?



In a nutshell, No.

The effects of Tide aren’t just on your clothes due to some of the dangerous ingredients listed above have the ability to travel by inhalation. You are essentially distributing a carcinogenic chemical into your the air in and surrounding your home.

When you sweat while wearing your freshly washed Tide clothes, the moisture soaks into your clothing which causes the laundry detergent chemicals sitting on your clothes to absorb into your skin. Your armpits and groin absorb nearly 100% of what is applied to them topically and laundry detergent is no exception. By wearing clothes with chemical based ingredients, you to not only inhale but absorb these chemicals in your skin throughout the day.

Why use tide when every other ingredient is either a carcinogen, or irritant to the lungs or skin? Any chemical that irritates the skin or lungs is not worth using on yourself or your loved ones.

Is There an Alternative Detergent?

Tide Detergent
Thankfully, Yes! Truly Free (click here to visit) 

Truly Free is an amazing laundry alternative that offers complete transparency to their customers by listing every single ingredient used in their formulas. They do not use abrasive chemicals, dyes or fragrances.

All Truly Free products are made using safe, non-toxic ingredients and are scented with natural essential oils. The best part is that they are cruelty free, eco-friendly (reducing plastic waste by using refillable jugs) and cheaper than detergent brands like tide.

Check them out here: Truly Free

(Please know that the company was formerly called MyGreenFills, but is now called ‘Truly Free’ instead!) 

Check out this video for more reasons to avoid Tide:

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