There are so many chemicals that have made their way into our homes and lives. Personal care products are full of chemicals now, our cleaning products are filled with chemicals. Chemicals are in almost everything, so it is becoming increasingly difficult to be conscious and mindful that the products you’re using are chemical-free and good for your health. That’s why we at Green Living Tribe have really focused on publishing and sharing content around the dangers of chemicals in food, chemicals in personal care products and now, chemicals in your home that you may not know about.
Chemicals on your body and in your food are in closer contact with your biology, so these may take priority for your overall health. However, chemicals in our home can be very dangerous also because they still get into our body just from different pathways.
Most chemicals in the home interfere with human health and biology by inhaling into the lungs, or touching/contact with surfaces. Today we’re going to explore the dangerous products and chemicals in our home that we can replace with healthier, natural and even cheaper solutions in some cases, imagine that! Healthier doesn’t always cost more, don’t believe the lies.
Top 5 Most Dangerous Toxic Chemicals In Your Home:
1. Aeresol Sprays:
Aeresol sprays like lysol and clorox are absolutely awful. You might say “Why would a spray be harmful? it’s not going on my skin.” Well, what is sprayed is airborne at this point. What is airborne is inhaled into the nose or mouth and into the lungs. What’s inhaled into your lungs goes directly into your lungs through your arteries. Your cardiovascular system takes in the chemical concoctions in lysol, clorox or any other aerosol spray. It has been reported that lysol, clorox and other chemically created aeresol sprays have caused respiratory issues, irritation as well as negatively harming the central system. Lysol contains ORTHOPHENYLPHENOL (OPP) which is a known carcinogen, meaning it causes cancer. These chemicals in your lungs, arteries and blood is not good.
Instead youc an simply put essential oils into a spray bottle with water and spritz your environment. This is natural and has no side effects unlike the chemicals!
2. Laundry Detergent:
Laundry detergent is typically made from a combination of chemicals to remove dirt, stains and other marks on our clothing. There is multiple negative aspects here. First, brands like Tide and Gain which are toxic and full of chemicals pollute the water supply. This chemicalized water goes back into the pipes and pollutes and damages the quality of the water long-term. These chemicals are not only bad for the environment, but they leave a residue on our clothes. This is why some people literally smell like laundry detergent, and I have a hard time standing around people that smell like laundry detergent.
One of my friends had a baby who kept breaking out in rashes, and after taking his child to multiple doctors he couldn’t find out the reason. Eventually, they realized that the laundry detergent was causing this rash to break out every time the skin came into contact with clothes that came out of the dryer. This happens more often than you’d realize. There is a residue of chemicals on our clothing, which is touching our skin, our genitals and sensitive areas of the body every single day. My friend, ended up starting an entire company called ‘Truly Free’ which now sells, you guessed it! Chemical free laundry detergent. You can learn more about Truly Free laundry detergent and get 100 free loads by clicking this link.
Another option is to get baking soda and vinegar, and use these both in your laundry. This works well and is a cheap solution overall.
3. Surface Cleaners:
Many surface cleaners contain endocrine disruptors, carcinogens and other harmful toxic chemicals. Avoid the big brands like clorox. Everything they produce is toxic. Johsnon and Johnson is also very toxic and harmful to health as well. You can also make your own from scratch very easily. I remember when I lived in Costa Rica and we had a maid who would use a toxic chemical based bleach cleaner. She was always coughing horribly. One day, I took a big jug of water and put a bunch of limes and lemon peels in there wtih some vinegar and told her to use this instead.
Later that day in her broken English and in my broken Spanish she thanked me and said she didnt’ cough that day and that this helped her. Great, it helped me too! Healthier, and avoiding the chemicals. Win win for all!
4. Bisphenol-A (BPA):
Bisphenol A is a chemical that is in the majority of plastics. Some plastics are BPA free, however, this chemical mimics estrogen in the human body. Unfortunately plastic is everywhere in today’s world. The worst place for plastic is directly touching our food. It’s best to use glass or anything else that is plastic free. Plastic water bottles are awful also, because this chemical (BPA) leaks into the water over time, especially as it sits.
5. Hand Soap & Dish Soap:
Hand soap and dish soap can often contain sodium laurl sulfate, and many other toxic chemicals. Even brands that are supposed to be trusted like ‘seventh generation’ contain sodium lauryl sulfate, I just looked in my own kitchen and noticed this! You can use vinegar in a spray bottle for a degreaser and baking soda on pans with a sponge to have grit for cleaning purposes. Just so you know, when you mix baking soda and vinegar there will be a chemical reaction, not to fear, it’s the acid and alkaline mixing that creates this reaction. Kind of like the volcano you may have made in elementary school many years ago. This is the cheapest and most natural way to clean dishes and it’s also cheaper than traditional dishwashing soap.
Truly Free also has a really great aloe vera based handsoap that is all natural and leaves your hands feeling clean, moisturized and hydrated better.
6. Bleach:
Bleach exposure can cause irritation to the eyes, skin and lungs. It turns out that when chemicals interfere with human biology, bad things happen! It can also irritate the eyes and mouth. This is because bleach is a corrosive chemical concoction that is simply not natural. You can actually get bleach poisoning. According to poison control “Consumption of concentrated bleach products can lead to permanent gastrointestinal damage and may result in death.” So, why would we use this even in small quantities? Once again, baking soda and vinegar together make an amazing combination and can easily replace bleach.