Dr. Barbara Oneil Shares Her Top 3 Remedies For Varicose Veins

Varicose veins, characterized by swollen, twisted veins typically found in the legs, are a common condition. They occur when blood vessels weaken, and blood pools in the veins rather than being efficiently pumped back to the heart. While lifestyle changes and medical treatments can help manage varicose veins, incorporating certain nutrients into your diet can improve circulation, strengthen veins, and promote healing.

Before we share with you Dr. Barbara O’neils take on varicose veins and what to utilize I want to first share with you the some of the most important nutrients that are worth adding into your diet and/or supplementing to heal varicose veins.

Here are the top three nutrients that can play a crucial role in supporting vein health:

1. Vitamin C

Vitamin C is essential for the production of collagen and elastin, two critical components in maintaining the structural integrity of veins and blood vessels. Collagen provides strength to the vein walls, while elastin ensures they remain flexible and resilient, reducing the likelihood of blood pooling and vein damage.

Additionally, vitamin C acts as an antioxidant, protecting the veins from oxidative stress, which can further weaken blood vessels. It also enhances circulation by supporting the health of the endothelium, the inner lining of blood vessels, and preventing blood clots.

Sources of Vitamin C:

  • Oranges and citrus fruits
  • Bell peppers
  • Strawberries
  • Kiwi
  • Broccoli and leafy greens

    I get vitamin C in my Radiate 21 supplement each and every single day. This formula has lime, lemon and orange extracts along with camu camu berry. Four different sources of vitamin C along with 17 other ingredients for gut health, cardiovascular health, immunity, lymphatic health and more. Learn More at Radiate21.com.

2. Rutin

Rutin is a bioflavonoid, a type of plant compound known for its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. It is particularly beneficial for those suffering from varicose veins because it helps improve blood circulation, strengthens blood vessels, and reduces the risk of blood clots.

Rutin enhances the flexibility of veins, reduces leakage from capillaries, and can help alleviate swelling, discomfort, and heaviness associated with varicose veins. It’s a natural anti-inflammatory agent that helps to reduce the inflammation contributing to the appearance and discomfort of varicose veins.

Sources of Rutin:

  • Buckwheat
  • Apples
  • Citrus fruits (especially the peels) – Another great reason to take Radiate21.com, it has 3 citrus fruits which will give you rutin along with Vitamin C.
  • Asparagus
  • Green tea

3. Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Omega-3 fatty acids are renowned for their ability to improve circulation and reduce inflammation throughout the body, making them a valuable nutrient for vein health. Improved circulation reduces the pressure in veins, helping to prevent the development of varicose veins.

These essential fatty acids also reduce the stickiness of platelets in the blood, which lowers the risk of clot formation—a common complication of varicose veins. By keeping blood thin and improving its flow, omega-3s help relieve the burden on veins, preventing further damage.

Sources of Omega-3 Fatty Acids:

What Does Barbara O’Neil Have To Share About Varicose Veins?

Dr. Barbara O’Neil Recommends:

  1. Rebounding: I personally love rebounding and recommend it highly to clients for lymphatic health and exercising the legs, as well as improving mobility and flexibility. Click here to visit Bellicon.com to learn more about rebounding, and when you visit here you’ll get free shipping on your mini-trampoline purchase.
  2. Cayenne Pepper: Cayenne pepper helps to improve the health of the blood and blood vessels. Add cayenne pepper to your food or even mix it in water and drink it. This spice improves the health of your blood dramatically. Cayenne pepper thins the blood and opens the capillaries. It helps to heal the arterial walls.
  3. Make Sure You’re Hydrated: Hydration is so crucial and most people think that hydration is simply just drinking enough water. This is only half the battle. The quality of the water that you drink matters as well as getting enough electrolytes to create intracellular hydration. This is the third reason that Radiate21.com is such a great formula. Rich in vitamin C and Rutin as well as citrus fruits which give your body electrolytes that improve hydration and blood health. To learn more about how to hydrate properly read this article:

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