Tobacco and cannabis use have long been linked to both positive and negative effects on mental health. However, new data reveals some surprising trends that challenge conventional wisdom on this topic.
A major study published this month tracked over 10,000 Americans’ tobacco, cannabis, and mental health status over a 5-year period. The results provide new insights into how different frequencies, methods, and combinations of tobacco and cannabis use correlate with diagnoses of anxiety, depression, and psychosis.
For example, the data shows that moderate cannabis use alone has little association with mental illness. Yet combining moderate cannabis and tobacco use puts individuals at a higher risk of psychotic episodes.
The study also found that heavy cannabis use is strongly linked to psychotic disorders, but primarily for individuals with a family history of mental illness. Overall, the research paints a nuanced picture of how tobacco versus cannabis, used in different amounts by different types of people, can have varied impacts on mental health over time.
With substance use often framed in black-and-white terms, these findings may seem counterintuitive. However, they demonstrate the importance of using an evidence-based lens to evaluate the benefits versus risks of tobacco, cannabis, and mental health.
Are Tobacco and Cannabis Users More Likely to Have Depression and Anxiety?
Researchers are reporting that people who use tobacco and cannabis tend to have higher rates of depression and anxiety. Experts note that people who experience depression and anxiety tend to use substances such as tobacco, cannabis, and alcohol.
They add that a person can become more dependant on a substance to improve their mental outlook. A new report shows that tobacco and cannabis users are more likely to experience mental health conditions like anxiety and depression.
The findings were published on September 13 in the journal PLOS ONETrusted Source. In the study, a team from the University of California San Francisco said that people using both substances are more likely to report anxiety and depression than those who only used tobacco or those who used neither substance.
The researchers noted that tobacco and cannabis are among the most frequently used substances in the world and that use has become more frequent since the expanding legalization of cannabis.
How Does Tobacco And Cannabis Use Affect Mental Health?
A major new study examined the links between mental health issues like anxiety and depression and using tobacco and cannabis. The researchers looked at data on over 50,000 adults across the United States.
Specifically, the study analyzed mental health diagnoses and tobacco and cannabis use habits reported by survey participants over the period from 2020 to 2022. This time frame is significant because it covers the COVID-19 pandemic, which brought added stressors and likely influenced rates of substance use and mental health disorders.
The key findings from the data were:
- Around 5% of participants reported using only tobacco products.
- Almost 7% reported using only cannabis products.
- Less than 2% reported using both tobacco and cannabis.
- In the group using both substances, 26% reported having anxiety and 28% reported having depression.
- For people using neither substance, 10% had anxiety and 11% had depression.
- Those using both were nearly 2 times as likely to have anxiety or depression compared to non-users.
- Using cannabis alone or with tobacco was linked to higher anxiety rates versus using only tobacco.
While the study does not prove definitively that tobacco and cannabis use causes mental health problems, it does clearly demonstrate an association. Those using both substances had markedly higher rates of disorders like anxiety and depression.
The researchers suggested that offering mental health services along with tobacco and cannabis cessation programs could help address this connection. Treating both substance use and mental health issues together may lead to better outcomes.
Mental health experts said they were not surprised by these findings. Previous research has also shown strong links between substance use, anxiety, and depression. The substances may be used as a form of self-medication in some cases. But they likely worsen mental health over the long term, especially with heavy use.
The pandemic likely further complicated these relationships between substance use and mental disorders. Economic turmoil, social isolation, healthcare access issues, and collective trauma probably increased substance use as well as anxiety and depression prevalence.
In summary, this large-scale study reinforces a concerning relationship between tobacco and cannabis use and poor mental health. It highlights the need for an integrated approach that treats addiction and mental health together. More research is still needed on the causes behind these links. But the takeaway is clear – combining tobacco and cannabis use puts people at higher risk of disorders like anxiety and depression.
Some People Turn To Substance Use To Self-Medicate
Dr. Ryan Sultan, a psychiatrist at Columbia University, explained how smoking can seem relaxing at first but then make mental health issues worse over time.
He said people with anxiety or depression may use tobacco or cannabis to self-medicate and feel temporary relief. However, relying on these substances too much can actually make the underlying mental health problems even worse in the long run.
Dr. Sultan gave an example of a patient named Sarah who has social anxiety. Sarah would smoke cannabis before social events to feel more comfortable. But as she became more dependent on it, her anxiety got even more intense when she was not high.
He emphasized that the relationship between substance use and mental health is complex. Factors like self-medication, changes in the brain from regular drug use, and individual differences all play a role.
While the study shows a link between using tobacco and cannabis and increased anxiety and depression, the causes behind this association are nuanced. But the takeaway is that over time, leaning on these substances too much can exacerbate mental health challenges for some people.
Detoxing & Healing From Tobacco And Cannabis Use
This revealing research should prompt us all to be proactive about our mental health. If you currently use tobacco, cannabis, or both, consider the toll it may be taking. Making even small steps to reduce usage could provide big benefits.
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In Conclusion:
The recent study revealing links between tobacco, cannabis, and mental health issues highlights important considerations around substance use. While tobacco and cannabis may seem to provide temporary relief, the data indicates they can exacerbate conditions like anxiety and depression over time. This is especially true when both are used together.
The research reminds us that substance use rarely occurs in a vacuum. Mental health challenges and addiction are deeply intertwined, requiring integrated treatment strategies. Offering mental health support alongside tobacco and cannabis cessation programs could help address these issues holistically.
The study also underscores how outside factors like the pandemic can heighten substance use and mental health disorders simultaneously. Finding healthy coping mechanisms to deal with stress and emotions is imperative.
While more research is still needed, this study reinforces a mindful, nuanced view of tobacco and cannabis use. Blanket approaches fail to capture the true complexity of addiction and mental illness. As our understanding of these relationships grows, we must avoid assumptions and respond with thoughtful solutions. With compassion and care, true healing is possible.