Over the years that millions of kids attend high school and middle school, there are few things that draw more attention, and controversy, than the school dress code.
Typically, shirts with vulgar or “controversial” slogans on them are the cause for the most concern, as are short shorts and other forms of tight fighting clothing, especially on girls.
Recently, one high school senior decided to take a stand at her high school when she wore an outfit to school that she was quickly punished for by school administrators.
It all started because of one complaint from an unknown person and a “dress code violation,” and it ended up as national news headlines and a controversy that could continue for years to come.
“What I Was Confronted About Was Wrong,” Braless Student Says
The student in question is Kaitlyn Juvik, an undeniably beautiful Montana teen with an eye-catching smile and big, brown eyes who was thrust into a firestorm of controversy and outrage all over her choice not to wear a bra to school one morning.
A high school senior, Juvik was punished after her school said the shirt was see-through, a claim that she denied.
Take a look at the shirt below and decide for yourself if she was “in the wrong” or not.

Kaitlyn was allegedly asked by school administrators to change her clothes because someone complained that the way she dressed was making them uncomfortable.
After the complaint, Kaitlyn was given a dress code violation according to one report.
The school’s principal, Steve Thennis, insisted that the issue was not her lack of wearing a bra, but he did not elaborate on the exact nature of the violation, fueling speculation.
“I’m not going to check student’s undergarments,” Thennis said.
“We are going to ask them to dress appropriately and if we feel it is inappropriate, male or female, we are going to ask them to cover up,” he added.
Thennis did say that Juvik needed to cover up, however, meaning that the person may have taken issue with her shirt being too revealing.
“What I was confronted about was wrong,” KRTV reported. “As long as nothing is showing and you’re covered up, girls should not have to wear a bra,” she said.
In a Facebook post including the picture below, she shared the truth about her situation with the world.
“If anyone is curious, THIS is the shirt I was wearing when I was called out!!!”
In the photo caption, the frustrated student explained that her top was “not see through” and “not inappropriate!”
She added that her undergarment, or lack thereof, was actually not visible.
“You definitely cannot tell I’m not wearing a bra unless you’re looking VERY hard! I was most definitely not wearing anything that was against the dress code!” However, it’s not very hard to look at her exposed shoulder and see that there is no bra strap.
Upon hearing the news, fellow students rushed to defend her right not to wear a bra at school.
Students protesting the incident created a “No Bra, No Problem” Facebook page to voice their displeasure of an incident they alleged to be sexist.
“The movement for gender equality, women’s rights, & being comfortable. Against discrimination in schools, we focus on the right for girls to go braless,” the page stated.
Her mother Tami wrote a post on KXLH’s Facebook page after the story aired.
“This movement is not just about wearing/no wearing a bra,” she said.
“Our daughters are body shamed and sexualized on a daily basis.
“We need to teach them to be comfortable in their own skin and not feel like they have to under their clothes. The schools have bigger fish to fry than worrying about whether or not my daughter is wearing a bra!” she exclaimed.
“Ask your daughters if they wear a bra on a regular basis, I think you will be surprised by the answer!”
Juvik’s story first happened in 2016 and has since been revived by several viral websites.
More Women and Girls Going Braless in 2021 Post-COVID?
Recently, Vice.com profiled several women who say they’ve been encouraged to go out braless more than ever now that they’ve gotten comfortable with doing it at home more often.
The article can be read here.
One thing’s for certain: this is a controversy that doesn’t appear to be going anywhere anytime soon.
Women and girls should feel comfortable dressing however they’d like both at school and in the workplace, so be sure to stand up for your rights if a similar fate as Kaitlyn’s should ever happen to you.