Here’s What Happened At The Nazi Concentration Camp For Women That Time Forgot About

There’s no doubt that the era of Nazi concentration camps were one of the most difficult times in history. Filled with pain, trauma and human despair. There were certain facts about the Nazi concentration camps that have been revealed, but not all of them.. until now.

For a long time up until now World War II historians had come across the name Ravensbrück but didn’t quite know what went on in the German concentration camp. Or what this name exactly meant.

All of the documents about the Ravensbrück name, the camp for women, were destroyed by being burned before the end of the war. At the end of the war, the area was under the control of the Soviet Union. Now, after researchers have tracked down these documents and in tern discovering survivors and visited the site of the location, we know that it was opened in 1939 and housed women who were deemed prostitutes, criminals, minorities, or who had opposed Hitler in their own way.

One survivor wrote in her account of this incident, “Among the prisoners were ‘the cream of Europe’s women.’”

She continued, “They included General de Gaulle’s niece (pictured above), a former British women’s golf champion, and scores of Polish countesses.”

Ravensbrück, however, was a camp mostly known for its medical experiments on the women, most of whom were of Polish descent.

One medical procedure or end goal was to test sulphonamide drugs. Sadly, this was done by deliberately wounding a female prisoner and injecting toxic viral bacteria into the wound site. Typically, death or a permanent injury of some debilitating kind was usually the end result.

Another goal of these experiments was to see if the muscles and bones could regenerate or be transplanted after the fact. The Prisoners’ bones were broken, dissected, and grafted, leaving subjects in excruciating pain. A horrible atrocity.

In yet another group of women. These women actually had their wounds filled with sharp cut wooden splinters, yet another group had glass shards, and the third group and final group had both wooden splinters and glass shards implanted.

Some of the women were experimented upon with zero pain medication just to see how effective the tested drugs were at the time. Leaving them in pain.

When it came out to the public it was shocking. Nazi doctors shared these results from all the experiments at a 1943 medical conference in Berlin. At the time, none of the civilian German doctors dared question the experiments on the basis of cruelty. Believe it or not.

There’s one thing for certain. The women at Ravensbrück were strong, brave, and dealt with a lot of pain and trauma. Some of these brave women even resisted while inside the concentration camp. Imagine that. The last experiments happened in the year of 1943. For the women who refused, the guards and wardens physically held down these women who had bravely refused. There story will be remembered and their bravery not forgotten. These brave Polish women have passed on to their children, grandchildren and great grand children who are still alive and carry their name to this day.

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