How Staying In An Emotionally Abusive Relationship Can Literally Give You PTSD (And What To Do About It)

PTSD resulting from an emotionally damaging relationship is a very real and significant issue that affects individuals on a deep level. When someone has experienced this type of relationship, the after-effects do not simply disappear with time. Instead, they often linger and manifest themselves in future relationships, leading to similar patterns and outcomes. The unfortunate part is that the person suffering from PTSD may not even be aware of their condition, making it even more challenging to address and overcome.

Being the new partner of someone who has endured an emotionally damaging relationship can be quite difficult. At the start of the relationship, you may not even be aware of their past experiences. However, as the relationship progresses, the behaviors and symptoms associated with their PTSD may begin to emerge, creating challenges for both partners involved. Over time, a range of behaviors can surface, including:

  1. Walking on eggshells: In an effort to avoid disappointing their partner, individuals with PTSD may develop a constant sense of caution, always mindful of their words and actions.
  2. Self-doubt and judgment: The emotional damage inflicted in the previous relationship often results in feelings of self-doubt and a tendency to judge oneself harshly.
  3. Constant need to check-in: Due to the trust issues and insecurity stemming from the past relationship, the affected individual may feel compelled to frequently check in with their partner, providing updates on their whereabouts and activities.
  4. Sensitivity to sarcasm and joking: Emotional abuse in the previous relationship can heighten sensitivity to sarcasm or seemingly harmless jokes, causing them to be interpreted negatively and leading to emotional distress.
  5. Chronic apologizing: Individuals with PTSD may find themselves apologizing excessively, even when they have done nothing wrong, as a result of the emotional conditioning they experienced in the past.
  6. People pleasing: The need for validation and approval that often develops in emotionally damaging relationships can lead to a strong inclination to please others at the expense of one’s own well-being.
  7. Constantly seeking acknowledgment and approval: The previous relationship may have left the person feeling inadequate and constantly seeking external validation and approval to boost their self-esteem.

These behaviors become deeply ingrained in individuals who have endured emotionally damaging relationships for extended periods. They are coping mechanisms that helped them survive in the past but can hinder their ability to have healthy relationships in the present.

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When faced with the challenge of being in a relationship with someone suffering from PTSD, it is crucial to approach the situation with understanding and empathy. While it would be ideal for the person with PTSD to work through their condition with the help of a licensed therapist before entering a new relationship, this is not always the case. However, if both partners are open and willing to work on the relationship, positive changes can still occur.

One important aspect to remember is the significance of tackling one issue at a time. It is unrealistic to expect to solve all the problems at once, so focusing on addressing one aspect at a time can be more effective and manageable. If you are the partner without PTSD, it is vital to prioritize your own self-care and establish healthy boundaries. Taking care of yourself is not selfish; it is a necessary step to ensure you have the capacity and energy to support your partner on their healing journey. By setting an example of self-care, you empower your partner to do the same, fostering a healthier dynamic in the relationship.

In my own experience, I discovered the impact of an emotionally damaging relationship just two months into my marriage. Instead of the anticipated bliss of newlyweds, I noticed a change in my husband’s behavior. He became withdrawn and seemed to be constantly walking on eggshells around me. His need to check in with me about even the most trivial matters became excessive, and I felt like I was living with a stranger. At the same time, we found ourselves embroiled in a court battle to secure more visitation time with his son from a previous relationship. As the months passed, the extent of his emotional shutdown became more apparent, leaving me feeling lost and confused.

Finally, my husband made the courageous decision to seek therapy, and slowly but surely, the pieces of the puzzle began to come together. It became evident that he had been trapped in an emotionally controlling relationship that had deeply wounded him, leading to the manifestation of PTSD symptoms. With the support of his therapist, he started to unravel the layers of trauma and work towards healing and growth.

Our marriage became a journey of recovery and resilience. It was not easy, but it was worth it. As my husband continued his therapy and learned to set healthy boundaries, I witnessed a remarkable transformation. His newfound self-awareness and willingness to confront his past enabled him to step into a healthier version of himself.

Today, we stand stronger than ever as a couple. We have entered our second year of marriage with renewed excitement and a shared commitment to growth and self-care. Through therapy, we have learned that there is no guarantee of a “happy ending” in the traditional sense. Life is filled with uncertainties, and healing from past trauma is an ongoing process. However, what we have discovered is a profound sense of empowerment and a deep connection forged through vulnerability and understanding.

It is important to emphasize that the path to healing and transformation is unique for every individual and couple. What worked for us may not work for everyone. However, there are some universal principles that can guide couples navigating the complexities of PTSD in their relationships.

First and foremost, communication is key. Open, honest, and compassionate dialogue allows both partners to express their needs, fears, and insecurities. It fosters understanding and empathy, creating a safe space for healing and growth.

Secondly, patience and resilience are essential. Healing from past trauma takes time, and setbacks are part of the process. It is crucial to approach each obstacle as an opportunity for learning and progress, rather than a reason to give up. Supporting each other through the ups and downs builds a foundation of trust and resilience.

Furthermore, seeking professional help is invaluable. A licensed therapist who specializes in trauma can provide the necessary guidance and tools to navigate the complexities of PTSD. They can help individuals process their emotions, challenge negative beliefs, and develop healthy coping strategies. Couples therapy can also be beneficial in strengthening the relationship and fostering understanding between partners.

Finally, self-care should never be overlooked. Both partners need to prioritize their own well-being and engage in activities that nourish their physical, mental, and emotional health. Taking care of oneself is not selfish; it is a fundamental aspect of maintaining a healthy and fulfilling relationship.

In conclusion, PTSD resulting from an emotionally damaging relationship is a real and challenging reality for many individuals. However, with patience, understanding, and a commitment to growth, it is possible to change the dynamics of the relationship and move towards a more empowered and fulfilling future. By fostering open communication, seeking professional help, and prioritizing self-care, couples can embark on a transformative journey that strengthens their bond and paves the way for healing and happiness.

Remember, there is no one-size-fits-all solution, and progress may be nonlinear. But with love, support, and a shared commitment, there is hope for a brighter tomorrow.

What To Do If You Have PTSD

Within the depths of a wounded soul lies the intricate web of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), a haunting reminder of past trauma. While the path to healing often requires professional guidance, there exists a realm of natural remedies and self-care practices that gently cradle our spirits, offering solace and support. In this heartfelt exploration, we embark on a journey of discovery, unearthing profound solutions that can help us navigate the labyrinth of PTSD, nurturing our souls along the way.

  1. Mindfulness and Meditation: Embrace the tranquility of mindfulness and meditation, for they hold the key to unlocking inner peace. Breathe deeply, allowing the weight of anxiety to melt away. Engage in guided imagery, painting vibrant landscapes within your mind, and surrender to the embrace of progressive muscle relaxation. Witness the subtle shifts as your nervous system finds solace, laying the foundation for a calm and serene existence. Through this sacred practice, sleep becomes a sanctuary, and emotional resilience blossoms.
  2. Herbal Remedies: From the bosom of Mother Nature, we discover herbal allies to soothe our weary hearts. Sip on chamomile tea, its gentle essence caressing your senses, washing away anxiety and lulling you into a restful slumber. Feel the tender embrace of passionflower and valerian root, weaving a tapestry of calmness, their tendrils delicately unraveling the knots of insomnia and fear. Allow the adaptogenic power of ashwagandha and rhodiola rosea to restore balance within, harmonizing your stress response and illuminating the path to serenity. I recommend both ashwagandha and shilajit from Omica Organics. These help to deal with stress and support the body during stressful times. Click here to visit Omica Organics and use the discount code: VFDF7M for 10% off your order.
  3. Aromatherapy: Inhale the ethereal whispers of essential oils, their aromatic melodies embracing your wounded spirit. Let the soothing essence of lavender envelop you, a fragrant sanctuary that tenderly holds your worries at bay. Breathe in the uplifting notes of bergamot, its citrus embrace brightening even the darkest of days. Witness the transformative power of frankincense, as its mystical aura unveils a sense of inner peace and restoration. Allow the symphony of scents to carry you to a place of tranquility, where healing awaits. Click here to get essential oils for stress relief.
  4. Physical Exercise: Unleash the dormant strength within your body, for it yearns to be set free. Engage in rhythmic movement, releasing the euphoria of endorphins, nature’s balm for your weary soul. Walk, jog, or dance with abandon, feeling the weight of anxiety dissipate with each step. Surrender to the embrace of yoga, allowing the gentle flow of poses to unfurl the knots of stress and foster emotional equilibrium. Through the rhythm of movement, reclaim your spirit, finding solace in the vibrant pulse of life.
  5. Nutritional Support: Nourish your body, nourish your soul. Feast upon the gifts of nature, their healing essence enlivening your being. Savor the ocean’s bounty, indulging in the nourishing embrace of fatty fish, flaxseeds, and walnuts, as they tame the fires of inflammation and support the sanctity of your mind. Embrace the fortitude of B vitamins, magnesium, and antioxidants found within nature’s harvest, bestowing vitality upon your nervous system, and igniting the flames of a restored spirit. I recommend the magnesium breakthrough product, click here to visit and use the discount code: HEALTHYWILDFREE at checkout for a discount.
  6. Social Support: In the embrace of kindred spirits, you find solace and understanding. Seek refuge in the warmth of trusted friends, cherished family, or empathetic support groups. Share your deepest wounds and experiences with those who tread a similar path, for they offer solace within their own battles. Together, you weave a tapestry of strength, shattering the chains of isolation and finding solace in the collective journey towards healing. In their presence, you discover the healing power of empathy, the delicate threads of connection mending the fragments of your wounded soul.
  1. Creative Expression: Release the torrents of emotion through the boundless realm of creativity. Let art be your brush, music your symphony, and words your sanctuary. Paint your pain onto canvas, allowing vibrant hues to transform anguish into beauty. Let melodies dance upon your fingertips, allowing music to weave a tapestry of healing notes. Pour your heart onto paper, letting the ink spill, as each word becomes a salve for your soul. In the act of creation, you unearth the power of expression, freeing your spirit from the shackles of trauma.
  2. Sleep Hygiene: In the velvety embrace of the night, surrender to the healing depths of sleep. Embrace the rituals of slumber, weaving a tapestry of serenity and restoration. Establish a sacred routine, a prelude to restful surrender. Create a haven of tranquility, with soft linens and gentle lighting, inviting dreams to dance upon your pillows. Engage in relaxation techniques, bidding farewell to the worries of the day. And as you drift into the realm of dreams, allow the whispers of sleep to caress your weary spirit, rejuvenating your essence.


Within the realm of natural remedies and self-care practices, lies a tapestry of healing for those on the path of PTSD recovery. These gentle companions, born of nature’s embrace, offer solace and restoration to wounded souls. Let mindfulness and meditation cradle your spirit, as herbal allies tenderly soothe your weary heart. Breathe in the aromatic symphony of essential oils, and surrender to the transformative power they hold. Engage in the rhythm of physical exercise, nourishing your body and igniting the spark of inner strength. Seek the warmth of social support, finding understanding in kindred spirits who traverse a similar path. Unleash your creativity, giving voice to the depths of your emotions. And in the sanctuary of sleep, allow your spirit to heal and rejuvenate.

Embrace these remedies as whispers of hope, for they are not a substitute for professional guidance, but rather gentle companions on your journey to healing. Seek the guidance of skilled professionals, who will provide the compass to navigate the complexities of PTSD. Together, let us cultivate a sanctuary of emotional well-being, where natural remedies intertwine with professional care, paving the way towards a life filled with resilience, peace, and profound self-discovery.

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