SpaceX Could Make Elon Musk the World’s First Trillionaire According to a Major U.S. Investment Bank

elon musk spacex

Elon Musk is the world’s richest person, but his enigmatic lifestyle and ambitious plans aren’t often seen in the same light as fellow wealthy investors like Bill Gates and Warren Buffett.

Despite that, Musk continues to charge forward, racking up a vast fortune that could lead him to yet another milestone: becoming the world’s first trillionaire, according to the latest assessment from Morgan Stanley.

The company’s latest forecast has Musk predicted to reach that make due in large part to his space exploration business, SpaceX.

Musk has a fortune of $241 billion, and most of it has come from Tesla Motors thus far, the futuristic electric car company that has become a household name based on the buzz its products have generated and its sterling reputation for being eco-friendly.

According to analyst Adam Jonas, Musk’s success in SpaceX could be historic.

While Tesla has plenty of competition in both the traditional motor vehicles market and the electric vehicles market, SpaceX stands alone in its sector.

“More than one client has told us if Elon Musk were to become the first trillionaire…it won’t be because of Tesla,” he said.

“Others have said SpaceX may eventually be the most highly valued company in the world – in any industry.”

SpaceX is producing Starship reusable rockets that could take people and cargo to the moon and Mars, Jonas added, which could completely change expectations in the space industry by opening it up for business among the everyday person, or at least wealthy everyday people.

“As one client put it, ‘talking about space before Starship is like talking about the internet before Google,” Jonas added according to a report from The Guardian.

SpaceX could be worth $200 billion and rise higher as it continues to explore different industries and markets, including space infrastructure, Earth observation and deep-space exploration.

SpaceX was valued at $100 billion in a secondary share sale recently, making it the world’s biggest privately held company behind Internet firm ByteDance.

The company is about 48% owned by Musk, who surpassed Jeff Bezos to become the world’ richest person in January

On January 9 of this year, Musk updated his Twitter followers on the launching of his latest Starlink satellite, as part of a series of celestial technologies designed to provide wireless Internet to more of Earth’s citizens.

Could it be a sign of things to come, and just the tip of the iceberg for Musk and SpaceX as we move deeper into the 2020s decade? Time will tell, but one thing’s for sure: Musk doesn’t appear to be letting his foot off the gas in this space arms race anytime soon.


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