The Longevity Secrets Of The Hunza People From Pakistan – They Are Some Of The Longest-Living, Healthiest People on Earth

One topic of interest that fascinates me is cultures in the world that have a tremendous amount of longevity. There are many cultures that live to 100+ years and beyond. The book Blue Zones by Dan Buettner. This book shares the top five longevity zones on planet earth. Places where humans routinely live more than 100 years of age. Centenarians as they’re called. There are five common traits that keep the people in these regions of the world living longer. We’ll get more to that later.

Another great book on longevity and living a long healthy life called “50 Secrets of the World’s Longest Living People” by Sally Beare. As you read through this book, you may be fascinated by the dietary habits, pristine living conditions, and unique social customs of some of the world’s longest living people. Truly remarkable how long they live and how their healthy habits carry on.

One particular culture within that book that will capture your attention is the Hunza People of Pakistan, a tribe living in the mountainous regions of Hunza, Chitral, and Nagar, as well as the valleys of Gilgit-Baltistan. These incredibly healthy and long-living people have an average life expectancy of 100 years, with some living to be over 120 years old. Clearly they’re doing something right.

The Hunza people drink pure and crisp mineral-rich water from mountain springs, which may contribute to their excellent health. But there’s more to their mystical longevity. Scientists have been studying the Hunza for years and still haven’t uncovered all their secrets. However, they have been able to glean valuable insights from their lifestyle and diets.

Dr. Robert Maccrison, who lived with the Hunza tribe for several years, reportedly did not come across a single person with cancer, stomach ulcers, appendicitis, or any other disease. This is partly attributed to their consumption of apricot seeds, which are known for their cancer-fighting properties due to the presence of Vitamin B17. You can find organic apricot kernels on amazon by clicking here. 

Aside from apricot seeds, Dr. Henry Coanda wrote a book on the restorative health properties of the glacially-fed waters found in the Hunza region. The rich waters are said to contain negative ions, which have healing benefits similar to ‘grounding’ on the Earth itself.

The Hunza people’s longevity can also be attributed to their natural and organic lifestyle. They eat fresh fruits, raw vegetables, locally raised meats from pastures, and indulge in locally made alcohol from time to time. They avoid chemically-treated, industrially raised meats found in first-world countries.

The social structure of the tribe also contributes to their longevity. The Hunza people work hard in the fields each day, play sports such as polo on horseback, exercise daily, and maintain a positive outlook on life. They are friendly and welcoming to outsiders.

Overall, the Hunza people’s lifestyle and health secrets can be attributed to their “natural and organic lifestyle,” which is largely unheard of in other parts of the world.

Beyond what we can learn from the Hunza people in Pakistan there are five common traits of people living in Blue zones in the world. These are people that live to 100+ years old routinely.

The Blue Zones are regions of the world where people have been found to live exceptionally long and healthy lives. In his book “The Blue Zones: Lessons for Living Longer from the People Who’ve Lived the Longest,” author Dan Buettner identified five key longevity traits that are shared by the inhabitants of these regions.

  1. Move naturally: People in Blue Zones tend to incorporate physical activity into their daily routines in a natural and unforced way. This means they don’t necessarily go to the gym or participate in formal exercise programs, but instead engage in activities like walking, gardening, or manual labor.
  2. Purpose: Having a sense of purpose and meaning in life has been shown to be a key factor in living a long and healthy life. In Blue Zones, people often have a strong sense of community and purpose, and tend to be active and engaged in their daily lives. Many of the blue zone regions believe in a higher power or God.
  3. Downshift: Managing stress and finding ways to relax and unwind is important for overall health and longevity. In Blue Zones, people tend to take breaks throughout the day to relax and socialize, and often prioritize leisure time over work.
  4. 80% rule: People in Blue Zones tend to eat until they are 80% full, rather than overeating. This helps to prevent obesity and other health problems associated with excess caloric intake. Stress ins’t a normal way of life in blue zones.
  5. Whole food-based diet: They tend to eat a mostly plant-based diet, with a focus on whole foods like fruits, vegetables, legumes, and whole grains. They also tend to eat meat in moderation and avoid processed foods. They eat from the earth, unprocessed.

By adopting these longevity traits, individuals can increase their chances of living a long and healthy life, similar to the inhabitants of Blue Zones.

The five blue zones are in completely different parts of the world and it would be smart to take a vacation to these zones to appreciate it for yourself and learn their longevity way of living.

  1. Ikaria, Greece – an island in the Aegean Sea with a population known for their healthy Mediterranean diet and active lifestyle.
  2. Okinawa, Japan – an archipelago of islands with the world’s longest-lived women, known for their nutrient-rich, plant-based diet and strong social connections.
  3. Sardinia, Italy – a mountainous region of the island of Sardinia with high levels of centenarians, who follow a traditional Mediterranean diet and maintain a strong sense of community.
  4. Nicoya Peninsula, Costa Rica – a tropical region with a diet rich in beans, corn, and squash, and a lifestyle that emphasizes physical activity and close family relationships.
  5. Loma Linda, California, USA – a community of Seventh-day Adventists known for their plant-based diet, regular physical activity, and emphasis on spiritual and social connections.


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