The Main Cause Of Gastritis & Ulcers – But Here’s How To Prevent (Or Reverse) it & Make Your Gut Bulletproof

Researchers discovered the main cause of gastritis and ulcers, but the medical community refused to accept their answers until they did something crazy. One of the researchers ingested a large amount of the bacteria he believed to cause gastritis and ulcers, and guess what happened? He proved his theory to be true.

The discovery that H. pylori is a major cause of gastritis and ulcers is attributed to two Australian researchers named Dr. Barry Marshall and Dr. Robin Warren. In the early 1980s, Dr. Marshall and Dr. Warren observed that many patients with gastritis and ulcers had H. pylori bacteria in their stomach lining.

At the time, it was widely believed that stress and lifestyle factors were the primary causes of these conditions. However, Dr. Marshall and Dr. Warren were convinced that the bacterial infection was the root cause of the problem. They conducted a series of experiments to investigate their hypothesis, including ingesting H. pylori themselves to demonstrate that the bacterium could cause gastritis.

Their groundbreaking work was initially met with skepticism and resistance from the medical community, but ultimately their discovery revolutionized the understanding and treatment of gastric diseases. For their work, Dr. Marshall and Dr. Warren were awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 2005, recognizing their significant contributions to the field of gastroenterology.

What is H. Pylori (Helicobacter Pylori) and Why Does it Cause Gastritis & Ulcers?

Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) is a bacterium that colonizes the stomach and can cause chronic gastritis, peptic ulcers, and even gastric cancer in some individuals. It is estimated that about 50% of the world’s population is infected with H. pylori, making it one of the most common bacterial infections worldwide.

The way that H. pylori causes gastritis and ulcers is by infecting the lining of the stomach and producing an inflammatory response. H. pylori has a unique ability to survive in the harsh acidic environment of the stomach by producing an enzyme called urease, which breaks down urea to produce ammonia, a base that neutralizes stomach acid. This allows the bacterium to colonize the stomach lining and cause damage to the mucosa.

Once the bacterium has colonized the stomach lining, it produces several virulence factors that contribute to the development of gastritis and ulcers. One of these factors is a protein called CagA, which is injected into the host cells by a type IV secretion system. CagA can disrupt the normal functioning of the host cells, leading to cell death and tissue damage. This contributes to the development of inflammation and ulcers.

Another virulence factor produced by H. pylori is VacA, which forms pores in the host cell membranes and can cause cell death. VacA also disrupts the function of immune cells, making it easier for the bacterium to evade the host’s immune response.

Other bacteria, such as Escherichia coli and Salmonella species, can also cause gastritis and ulcers by producing toxins that damage the stomach lining. In addition, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) can also cause gastritis and ulcers by inhibiting the production of prostaglandins, which are important for protecting the stomach lining from damage.

In conclusion, H. pylori and other bacteria can cause gastritis and ulcers by colonizing the stomach lining and producing inflammatory responses that lead to tissue damage. It is important to seek medical attention if you experience symptoms of gastritis or ulcers, as prompt treatment can help prevent complications and improve outcomes.

How Probiotics Fight The Bacteria That Cause Gastritis & Ulcers

Probiotics are live microorganisms that confer a health benefit to the host when consumed in adequate amounts. Some probiotics have been shown to have potential in fighting H. pylori infection, although more research is needed in this area.

One probiotic strain that has been studied for its potential to fight H. pylori is Lactobacillus reuteri. Studies have suggested that this probiotic strain may help to reduce the colonization of H. pylori in the stomach, as well as improve the efficacy of antibiotics used to treat H. pylori infections.

Other probiotic strains that have shown potential in fighting H. pylori include Lactobacillus acidophilus, Bifidobacterium bifidum, and Streptococcus thermophilus. These probiotics have been shown to have an inhibitory effect on H. pylori growth in laboratory studies.

It is important to note that while probiotics may have some potential in fighting H. pylori, they should not be used as a replacement for standard medical treatments for H. pylori infections, such as antibiotics and acid suppressants. Probiotics may be used as an adjunct therapy to standard treatments, and it is important to consult with a healthcare provider before starting any new supplements or treatments.

What Fermented Foods Prevent & Treat Gastritis & Ulcers?

Lactobacillus reuteri is a probiotic strain that is found naturally in the human gut and is also commonly used as a starter culture in fermented foods. This is one strain of bacteria that fights H. Pylori which prevents (or treats) gastritis and ulcers. Here are some fermented foods that may contain Lactobacillus reuteri:

  1. Fermented dairy products such as yogurt, kefir, and cheese
  2. Fermented vegetables such as sauerkraut, kimchi, and pickles
  3. Fermented soy products such as miso, tempeh, and natto
  4. Fermented grains such as sourdough bread and injera, a type of Ethiopian flatbread
  5. Fermented meats such as salami and pepperoni

Lactobacillus acidophilus, Bifidobacterium bifidum, and Streptococcus thermophilus are commonly used probiotic strains that are often found in fermented foods and dairy products. These strains of bacteria also help to fight H Pylori to prevent and treat gastritis and ulcers both. Here are some foods that may contain these probiotics:

  1. Yogurt: Many types of yogurt, especially those labeled as “probiotic,” contain Lactobacillus acidophilus and Streptococcus thermophilus.
  2. Kefir: This fermented milk drink is similar to yogurt and can also contain Lactobacillus acidophilus, Bifidobacterium bifidum, and Streptococcus thermophilus.
  3. Sauerkraut: This fermented cabbage dish can contain Lactobacillus acidophilus and other probiotic strains.
  4. Kimchi: A spicy fermented vegetable dish that is commonly found in Korean cuisine, kimchi can contain Lactobacillus acidophilus and other probiotics.
  5. Miso: A traditional Japanese seasoning made from fermented soybeans, miso can contain Bifidobacterium bifidum and other probiotic strains.
  6. Kombucha: A fermented tea beverage, kombucha can contain a variety of probiotic strains, including Lactobacillus acidophilus.
  7. Cheese: Certain types of cheese, such as cheddar and gouda, can contain Lactobacillus acidophilus and other probiotic strains.

An Important Note About Probiotic Pills & Foods:

Did you know that probiotic rich, fermented foods and drinks contain far more bacteria than probiotic supplements? This is good news for you as fermented foods and drinks are far cheaper than pills, and if you decide to ferment foods and drinks yourself you can get them for pennies on the dollar compared to what you pay for them in the store. In fact, Dr. Mercola sent a 4 ounce sample of Sauerkraut that he made into the lab and found that this small sample contained 10 trillion bacteria. Compare this to 50 or 60 billion CFU’s of bacteria in the typical probiotic supplement, it’s a night and day difference.

If you want ot learn how to ferment your own foods and drinks from home and save a lot of money and ensure that each ingredient is organic and high quality you can learn how to ferment foods and drinks in the biggest online digital library of fermented foods and drinks. Visit to learn how to ferment your own foods and drinks today! It’s a lot easier than it sounds and your gut health will thank you. Imagine making just a few of these recipes and never having gastritis or ulcers ever again. It’s worth it.


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