7 Confusing Riddles That Are Complete Head-Scratchers & Yet Make Your Brain Work Better

head scratching riddles and puzzles
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I always love a good riddle. Riddles keep the brain active and young.

Today we have seven riddles to challenge your mind and do just that.

Take a look at the riddles below and then answer to the best of your ability before scrolling down further to see the answer.

Additionally, there are hints if you need a little direction.

So do not scroll to see the hint or answer if you feel like you can get them on your own. If you need a hint scroll a bit down and you’ll see the hints before the answer.

1. I have keys but no locks. I have space but no room.

You can enter, but can’t go outside. What am I?




If you need a hint: It has to do with technology.




Answer: A Keyboard


2. What comes once in a minute, twice in a moment, but never in a thousand years?




Hint, look at the words!




Answer: The Letter ‘M’


3. Which word in the dictionary is spelled incorrectly?




Hint: You don’t have to look far for this one! You’ll go, “Duhh!”




Answer: Incorrectly


4. What is the question you can ask all day, get different answers for the same, and they would still be correct?




Hint: It’s always changing and we run our lives by it!




Answer: “What’s the time?”

5. Two fathers and two sons go fishing. Each of them catches one fish each. So, why do they bring home only three fish?




Hint: Maybe the group isn’t what you think it is.




Answer: The group included grandfather, father, and son


6. There are three stoves: a glass stove, a brick stove, and a wood stove. You only have one match. Which do you light up first?




Hint: Start with the very beginning in mind.




Answer: You light the match first.


7. Arnold Schwarzenegger has a big one, Michael J. Fox has a small one, Madonna doesn’t have one, the pope has one but he never uses it, Bill Clinton has one and he uses it all the time! What is it?




Hint: It has to do with your identity!!




Answer: A Surname

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