Mindset is everything when it comes to self-esteem, and self-confidence.
But oftentimes, we allow others’ opinions of ourselves, or our families, our race, or our ethnicity, or our socio-economic status determine how we view our lives and our potential.
On August 28, 1963, Martin Luther King, Jr., gave his world famous ‘I Have a Dream Speech,’ during which in Washington, D.C., during which he spoke about how people should be judged by the content of their character and not by the color of their skin, among other topics.
MLK, Jr. is Assassinated in Memphis, Tennessee
On April 4, 1968, MLK, Jr. was assassinated at the Lorraine Hotel in Memphis while standing on a balcony.
This event is rarely discussed, but the world lost an incredible voice for freedom and equality.
Meanwhile just a day later, a third grade teacher prepared to teach a lesson plan to her students.
This lesson plan expounded on topics relating to MLK’s vision for equality, but in a wholly different way.
Blue Eyes vs. Brown Eyes, Identity, and Instilled Values
The lesson plan was actually more of a social experiment than anything else.
The teacher, Jane Elliot, decided to tell her students a surprising and ultimately fabricated story to get their attention, and to change their perspective on each other a little bit as well.
She began by telling them that blue eyed people are smarter and more competent than brown-eyed people.
The students, young and impressionable, took this lesson to heart — some of them in all the wrong ways.
The blue-eyed students began making fun of the brown-eyed students, whose confidence suffered.
One of the blue-eyed students pushed a brown-eyed student to the ground.
Then, the teacher decided to switch things up in a way that shook the classroom, and its social structure, to its core.
The tables were turned on the blue-eyed students, as Ms. Elliot made the following announcement: the study results had come back different than originally thought, and brown-eyed kids were actually the superior talents.
Scroll ahead to the 50-second mark in this video to hear the whole story, a lead-in to a talk from entrepreneur and Wall Street Journal Best-Seller Patrick Bet-David, including the incredible and controversial conclusion.
It’s all a lead-in to a talk on how to build wealth for yourself and others, how to support and feed your dream, and taking the dreams of other people into account along the way (fantastic story and incredible video):