An Older Fan Stole This Child’s Hockey Puck. What Happens Next is the Most Heartwarming Thing You’ll See All Day


Sports fans young and old come to baseball and hockey games with one goal in mind: to enjoy the game, and to cheer their team on to victory.

Aside from that, there is also the matter of whether or not they will end up taking home a souvenir of some kind when it’s all said and done.

It’s been said that there is no greater thrill in a young boy’s life than to catch a foul ball at a baseball game, or to catch a puck in the stands of a hockey game.

A young Pittsburgh Penguins fan had the opportunity to do just that — but his chance was stolen by an older man, who cut in front of him to catch the puck, setting off a chain of events that just might end up being the most heartwarming thing you’ll see all day.

From Disappointment to Jubilation — Young Fan’s Incredible Day at the Game in Pittsburgh 

A man snags a puck meant for a young fan.
He received a special gift afterward, see the full video below.

The footage is from 2015, but still one of the most incredible things you’ll see all day.

The young Penguins fan was rewarded by the team after what happened, and he enjoyed every minute of it.

During the game, the team noticed what had happened.

They tweeted out that they were “on it,” and made arrangements to help the kid.

Then, when he least expected it, justice was served and everything worked out just fine.

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