Animal Activist Glued Herself to the Court to Protest of Animal Rights at an NBA Game in Minneapolis

activist chickens


One of the most unique parts of watching a basketball game or other sporting event live is that you never know what may happen.

Sometimes, streakers run onto the court or the field to draw attention to themselves, or simply for a cheap thrill.

Other times, half-time performers delight and surprise the crowd with unique acts that fans won’t find anywhere else.

Sports can sometimes be an avenue for protests as well, however, as one activist showed recently when she superglued herself to the floor of the Target Center, home of the NBA’s Minnesota Timberwolves.

Protester Confesses, Reveals Her Identity in a Twitter Post — Here is Why She Did It

The woman, Alicia Santurio, posted about her protest on Twitter following the game.

She said she did what she did because the owner of the team, Glen Taylor, owns a company that allegedly killed five million birds via a “ventilation shutdown” recently.

Santurio also had a message for Taylor on her shirt, which can’t quite be seen all that well from the angles above.

Taylor had been cited by animal rights group The Direct Action Network for allegedly roasting five million chickens at a factory egg farm he owns in Iowa.

A picture of glue from the woman’s hand that remained on the court can be seen below.

What do you think about this woman’s actions, and what if any punishment should there be?

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