Comedians Are Being Hired By The Hour To Help Dementia Patients. Their Goal? ‘A Full Belly Laugh’


Back in September 2019, a touching tale emerged from Los Angeles, chronicling the journey of a mother and daughter navigating the complexities of dementia. The road of dealing with dementia, whether as a patient or caregiver, is known for its stress, challenges, and moments of sadness. However, this story takes an unexpected turn, culminating in an uplifting and joyful ending.

A Change of Course

At the center of this story is Dani Klein Modisett, a former stand-up comedian who found herself in an unexpected role. In 2016, Dani moved her mother across the country to an Alzheimer’s care center.

Noticing her mother’s memory decline, Dani took the difficult decision to provide better care. But after a year in Los Angeles, Dani saw her mother become withdrawn, sad, and uninterested in eating. Her doubts about her decision started to grow.

A Unique Solution

Determined to improve her mother’s situation, Dani explored different options, including services at the care center and private companionship. However, Dani believed that laughter could make a difference.

Using her comedy background, she searched for a comedian with an interest in geriatric care. She felt that injecting humor into her mother’s life could be the answer.

Dani connected with Sue, a retired comedian, and the two hit it off instantly. Sue’s humor brought out a social side of Dani’s mother that had been hidden by dementia. Their connection triggered a remarkable change.

Transformation Through Laughter

Over time, Sue’s presence made a noticeable impact. Dani’s mother started eating again and engaging more with people.

Even when Sue wasn’t around, Dani’s mother displayed positive behavior—smiling, waving, and interacting with others. Dani marveled at the transformation she witnessed.

Spreading Laughter’s Magic

Inspired by this experience, Dani founded “Laughter On Call,” aiming to spread the benefits of humor to dementia patients. The tagline “Courage. One Laugh at a Time” reflects the mission: connecting patients with comedians, organizing laughter workshops, and hosting comedy shows for care center residents.

The Science of Laughter

The foundation of Dani’s venture is humor therapy, recognized by medical professionals. Regardless of age or ailment, laughter has healing power.

For dementia patients, humor therapy works because certain types of laughter and social interactions remain despite cognitive decline. This taps into their ability to smile and laugh, restoring a sense of normalcy.

A Relatable Journey

The story of Dani and her mother resonates with countless families dealing with Alzheimer’s. With the prevalence of the disease growing among the elderly, millions of families face similar challenges. Ventures like Dani’s are essential and have the potential to expand their reach.

A Testament to Connection

Dani’s story emphasizes the impact of human connection. Amidst adversity, her commitment to bringing laughter to dementia patients reminds us of the power of compassion. Even in difficult times, the simple act of connecting and sharing joy can bring about healing and transformation.

10 Natural Approaches to Reversing, Managing, and Preventing Dementia

Dementia, with its challenging impact on memory and cognitive function, has become a growing concern in today’s aging population. While medical interventions play a significant role in addressing the issue, there are also several natural approaches that can aid in reversing, managing, and preventing dementia.

Here are ten strategies that promote brain health and contribute to a more vibrant life:

1. Stay Mentally Active: Engaging in activities that stimulate the mind, such as puzzles, reading, and learning new skills, can help keep the brain active and resilient. Regular mental challenges are associated with a decreased risk of cognitive decline.

2. Maintain a Balanced Diet: A diet rich in antioxidants, omega-3 fatty acids, and whole grains supports brain health. Foods like blueberries, fatty fish, leafy greens, and nuts offer vital nutrients that nourish the brain and protect against cognitive decline.

3. Physical Exercise: Regular physical activity not only benefits the body but also has positive effects on brain function. Aerobic exercises, such as walking, swimming, or dancing, improve blood flow to the brain and promote neural growth.

4. Social Engagement: Staying socially connected and maintaining relationships can help prevent cognitive decline. Interacting with friends, family, and participating in group activities provides mental stimulation and emotional support.

5. Quality Sleep: Prioritizing restorative sleep is essential for brain health. Adequate sleep allows the brain to consolidate memories, clear waste products, and recharge for optimal functioning.

6. Manage Stress: Chronic stress can contribute to cognitive decline. Practicing relaxation techniques like meditation, deep breathing, and yoga can help reduce stress and support brain health.

7. Brain-Boosting Supplements: Some supplements, like omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin D, and curcumin, have shown potential in enhancing cognitive function. Consult a healthcare professional before adding supplements to your routine.

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8. Maintain Heart Health: Cardiovascular health is closely linked to brain health. Controlling blood pressure, cholesterol levels, and managing diabetes reduces the risk of cognitive decline.

9. Stay Hydrated: Dehydration can negatively impact brain function. Drinking adequate water throughout the day ensures proper brain hydration and optimal cognitive performance.

10. Cognitive Training: Engaging in cognitive training exercises specifically designed to challenge memory, attention, and problem-solving skills can help maintain cognitive function and slow down decline.

It’s important to remember that everyone’s journey with dementia is unique. These natural strategies can complement medical interventions and contribute to a holistic approach to brain health.

Before making any significant lifestyle changes, consult with a healthcare professional to create a personalized plan that best suits your individual needs and circumstances.

By adopting these natural approaches, you can take proactive steps toward maintaining cognitive vitality and enhancing the quality of life for years to come.

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