Texas Mother Thinks She’s Carrying Twins — Then Doctor Takes a Look and She Can’t Believe Her Eyes

twins mother david and lauren perkins


Infertility is a problem that affects an estimated 6.7 million people in the United States each year according to the Web site Fertility Answers,  or one in eight couples total.

It was a huge problem for Lauren Perkins and her husband David, as the couple had so much trouble conceiving in the early going that they found themselves asking for help in the form of intrauterine insemination (IUI).

This decision was not an easy one, and it led to a surprising situation involving doctors, nurses, and a major turning point that left onlookers completely flabbergasted.

The Couple Was Hoping for Two Kids 

david and lauren perkins

The couple had a clear vision for how they wanted their little family to look.

But as the old saying goes, ‘Life is What Happens When You’re Busy Making other plans.’

Lauren told her story to TODAY and said she had it all “planned out.”

“I was going to have two kids, two to three years apart, preferably a boy and a girl,” she said to the morning news program.

She would soon find out that God had other plans.

“I think God was laughing at me, saying, ‘You have no idea what’s coming your way.’” she said, recanting her story further.

Lauren and David Visit a Fertility Specialist 

After 18 months of attempting to conceive with no results, Lauren and David visited a fertility specialist.

The Houston, Texas based couple was introduced to different plans involving drugs and injections, but they were unsure of what to choose.

Meanwhile, they decided to sleep on it, while packing up for a mission trip with their church to Nicaragua.


It was here that the couple’s faith in the process was tested.

They had been meaning to keep their intentions and concerns a secret, but eventually they were called up in front of the congregation.

“A group of people put their hands on us and prayed for fertility. It was all in Spanish…But it was emotional, and it was moving – language barrier or not,” Lauren said to Houston Moms Blog.

‘God Has Big Plans For You…’

pastor in nicaragua

Before she and her husband left the country, Lauren also met with a Nicaraguan pastor.

She informed the aspiring mother of something she had no idea was coming at the time.

“She told me she knew God had big plans for me; she didn’t know what, but it would be big,” Lauren said of the fateful meeting.

Couple’s Biggest Surprise Revealed — Sextuplets for Lauren and David!

perkins six pack
Photo via Perkins6Pack.Blogspot.com


Eventually, Lauren and David decided to give IUI a try, even though it was supposed to have just a 25 percent chance of working.

The couple was delighted to find out they were pregnant.

Then, the doctor noticed Lauren’s hormonal levels were abnormally high — and as it turned out, it was all for a reason.

Lauren originally thought she might be having twins, and later thought she was having quintuplets.

Her doctor pointed to the ultrasound, and there it was in plain sight: Lauren and David were having sextuplets! 

“Wait, wait, wait! I just found a sixth one!” the doctor said, shortly after Lauren announced that she counted five.


The parents were given the choice to abort one or more of the babies.

The thought of doing so never seriously crossed their mind according to reports on the situation.

“Seeing your six babies and seeing their heartbeats and there’s no sign of any problems, so you know, how do you choose?” Lauren said.

‘The Perkins Six-Pack’ is Now One Big, Happy Family

one big happy family

The sextuplets’ names are Andrew Noah, Benjamin Luke, Caroline Grace, Leah Michelle, Allison Kate, and Levi Thomas. 

faith blog


They’ve grown up quite fast, but Mommy and Daddy have been there to document their entire journey.

It truly is an incredible tale of faith in the face of long odds, and that’s just part of the reason why this story has resonated with so many people since it was first told.

Special thanks to the Perkins family for sharing their story on their blog, and best of luck in the future!

six kids

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