Toilet seats have been around for thousands of years, but their height has changed over time. In ancient times, toilets were often little more than holes in the ground, which meant people squatted to do their business. But as time went on, people started to sit on raised platforms to make the process more comfortable. In recent years, however, there has been growing concern that the height of modern toilet seats is actually causing problems for our health.
The original toilet was literally a hole in the ground, then it was propped up as if you’d squat down on a stool, then it grew taller, and taller and taller. Now, a toilet is called ‘the throne’ jokingly because they have made them so tall.
The problem with modern toilet seats is that they are too high. When we sit on a high toilet seat, our knees are raised up higher than our hips. This position is known as the “anorectal angle,” and it is important for healthy bowel movements. When the anorectal angle is too acute, it can cause problems with bowel movements, including constipation, hemorrhoids, and even colorectal cancer.
Your Bowel Movements Are Larger and Healthier By Simply Squatting
Take a look here to understand:
The reason why the anorectal angle is so important is that it helps to straighten out the rectum, which is the final section of the large intestine. When the rectum is straight, it is easier for waste to pass through the body and out of the anus. But when the rectum is kinked or bent, it can cause a blockage that makes it harder to pass stool.
To understand how toilet seat height affects the anorectal angle, it helps to look at the history of toilet design. Before the modern era, people used squat toilets, which required them to squat down to do their business. This position naturally straightened out the rectum, making it easier to pass stool. But as toilets became more common in the Western world, they began to be designed with seats that raised people up off the ground.
At first, these seats were relatively low, which meant that people’s knees were still lower than their hips when they sat down. This position helped to maintain the anorectal angle and allowed for healthy bowel movements. However, as toilets became more modern and luxurious, the seats began to be raised higher and higher. Today, the average toilet seat height in the United States is around 17 inches, which is much higher than the seats of yesteryear.
So what can be done to address this problem? One solution is to go back to using squat toilets, which are still common in many parts of the world. Squatting naturally straightens out the rectum and can help to prevent constipation, hemorrhoids, and other bowel problems. However, squat toilets can be difficult for some people to use, especially those with mobility issues or disabilities.
Another solution is to use a toilet stool, also known as a “squatty potty.” These stools are designed to raise your feet up off the ground when you sit on the toilet, which helps to straighten out the rectum and maintain the anorectal angle. Toilet stools are inexpensive and easy to use, and they can be a good alternative to squat toilets for people who need to use a traditional Western-style toilet.
In addition to using a toilet stool, there are other steps you can take to promote healthy bowel movements. One of the most important things is to stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water throughout the day. Dehydration can lead to constipation and other bowel problems, so it is important to stay well-hydrated at all times.
Another important factor is diet. Eating a diet that is high in fiber can help to prevent constipation and promote healthy bowel movements. Good sources of fiber include fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes. It is also important to avoid processed foods and refined sugars, which can contribute to digestive problems.
Exercise is also important for maintaining healthy bowel function. Regular exercise can help to keep the muscles in your digestive system working properly, which can prevent constipation and other bowel problems. Even light activities like walking or yoga can be beneficial for promoting healthy bowel movements.
Why I Only Squat When I Go Number Two
Once I learned that simply sitting on the toilet wasn’t the healthiest way to go number two I have decided to squat every single time now. I have a squatty potty within my home, and this helps tremendously. If I am out and about and need to go at a restaurant or at a friends house I will literally put my feet on the toilet seat so that I can squat and have the proper posture for the bowel movement.
One of my greatest fears is having someone walk in on me as I’m standing on the toilet seat pooing. Oh, geez, I always make sure the door is locked. Could you imagine!? ha!
Here’s a video that explains things a bit more thoroughly:
You can get a squatty potty on Amazon by clicking here. I got the bamboo one that has the highest height as it has improved my bowel movement size and consisestently without fail!
Shorten your toilet seat and get a squatty potty stool. It will be worth it and you’ll see more consistent and healthier sized bowel movements. Poo like a pro!