If You See Kids With Blue Buckets on Halloween, This is What It Means


Halloween is a special holiday each year, with tens of millions of kids and adults alike celebrating with parties, hay rides, pumpkin carving, trick-or-treating and the like.

Some people choose not to celebrate due to safety and other concerns, but by-and-large Halloween is an inclusive holiday with a lot of fun moments and happenings to celebrate.

The classic dress for trick-or-treating is of course your favorite costume (hopefully organic like this cotton based pumpkin costume for babies), and everyone’s favorite accessory: an orange pumpkin pail.

But as has been the custom in recent years, some kids could carry blue pumpkin pails on October 31 like this one instead, and it signifies something that every parent should know.

Blue Halloween Pails and What They Mean for 2021

In 2019 mother Omairis Taylor posted about her three-year-old son on Facebook, explaining that he has nonverbal autism and trick-or-treating has been difficult for the in the past, according to a report originally made by CNN.com.


The invention was born out of necessity, Mrs. Taylor said, because the previous year was a big-time challenge for her son.

She said she had to explain at every house for five blocks that her son was not going to say “trick or treat” because he is nonverbal.

“This year we will be trying the BLUE BUCKET to signify he has autism,” she wrote.

“Please allow him (or any other person with a BLUE BUCKET) to enjoy this day and don’t worry I’ll still say TRICK OR TREAT for him, ill get my mom candy tax later,” the post continued.

“This holiday is hard enough without any added stress. Thank you in advance.”

Since Taylor’s famous post went viral in 2019, another post has gone viral again in 2021.

A bigger turnout is expected for Halloween this year, and trick-or-treaters are sure to be spotted with the distinctive blue buckets this time around.

blue buckets for halloween

Although news outlets have largely ignored it, it is expected that the idea will make a big comeback for Halloween 2021, according to the latest post that has been shared over 1.2 million times by a user named Faulks Cheyenne on Facebook.

You may see the blue buckets on store shelves as Halloween gets closer.

blue buckets halloween

In 2018, Autism Speaks recommended that children with autism use blue buckets.

The mentioned a 21-year-old trick-or-treater who loved the extra support and attention he got using his blue bucket.

Unfortunately, most home owners and parents still do not know about this, so be sure to spread the word, and give a little extra attention to those with blue buckets in your neighborhood this Halloween!

Thanks for reading!

You can get find these blue pumpkin pails online by clicking here.

They are available now for less than 12 bucks and have 70% five-star ratings on Amazon.

Make sure you recycle, or use an eco-friendly bag for Halloween candy if you have one!

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