Whoopi Goldberg Says Will Smith Will Bounce Back From Oscars Slap Controversy: “He’ll Be Fine…No Worries”



Whoopi Goldberg is one of the elder stateswomen of the Hollywood scene, and she has long been a voice of reason during chaotic times.

Whoopi, now 63 years old, has a different take on Will Smith than most other pundits, according to a recent report.

Unlike many lead voices in Hollywood including Jim Carrey, who said recently that he would have sued Will for $200 million if he were in Chris Rock’s shoes, Whoopi is clearly on Will’s side with this one, at least according to her most recent comments on the situation.

While most people are focused on what Will did and how serious the fallout will be from his attack on Rock, Whoopi has chosen to go a different route, commenting on what she thinks the future holds for the former ‘Fresh Prince of Bel-Air’ star.


“He’ll Be Fine…He’ll Be Back…No Worries” 

Speaking on The View Monday, Whoopi said she believes that Smith will bounce back.

One of the most popular actors in America, Smith has been in hot water, and turned in his resignation to the Academy of Motion Pictures recently over the incident.

But Whoopi thinks he has what it takes to stage a comeback.

“Some people found that controversial, but the show didn’t have anything like last week’s controversy, which is fine,” Goldberg said. “Also some of Will Smith’s future projects are in question.

The question is, does he have a path back? Yes, of course he does.

He’ll be fine, he’ll be back. No worries.”

will smith production

Her comments came after Netflix announced it had decided to shelve the Will Smith production ‘Fast and Loose.’

Smith also has an Apple+ drama titled Emancipation in post-production currently.

Will his new movies see the light of day, or Will Smith continue to be shut out as this saga continues to wind down?

Time will tell, but Whoopi thinks that Smith still has plenty of time left to right the ship and make a comeback in showbusiness.

So, what do you think about her comments? Is Will Smith done in the industry, or might he just need to take some time off before jumping back into things? 

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