Caught on Camera: Dolphin ‘Attacks’ Trainer During Performance at Seaquarium in Miami, Aquarium Says It Was Accidental

dolphin in miami


Dolphins are generally among the most friendly and docile creatures in the world when it comes to their interactions with humans.

Sometimes, their relationships with people go to the next level, as was the case with one dolphin who decided to bring treasures from the bottom of the ocean to tourists recently.

The equation has the potential to change when these magnificent and playful creatures are held in captivity, however.

That’s exactly what happened this past Saturday, and it has people talking nationwide about whether or not dolphin and aquarium shows like these with large mammals should be allowed to continue.


“The Crowd Seemed to Know Something Wasn’t Right” 

miami seaquarium

The attack was recorded by a man named Shannon Carpenter, who was watching the ‘Flipper’ show with his family as he started recording.

His video shows Sundance the dolphin attack his trainer, according to WTVJ, an NBC affiliate, as reported by

“There was obviously some type of struggle and the crowd seemed to know something wasn’t right,” Carpenter said. “The trainer swam to the dock pretty quickly and she just kneeled there for the rest of the show while they kind of closed it down.”

According to Jared Goodman, an Animal Law attorney, such attacks are not uncommon.

“This is really just adding to the litany of problems that there has been at the Miami Seaquarium recently,” he said.

“Reportedly, the same dolphin rammed another trainer about two years ago.”

Goodman also said another sign of aggression happened recently as well.

“A dolphin and trainer accidentally collided in the water on Saturday while performing a routine behavior as part of the Flipper show,” he added.

“This was an uncomfortable interaction for both of them and the dolphin reacted by breaking away from the routine and striking the trainer,” Miami Seaquarium said in a statement to WTVJ.

Carpenter said the animals were very well-trained, but added that they are wild and unpredictable at times.

Authorities were contacted as a precaution, and the trainer was taken away by ambulance to a nearby hospital. 

Seaquarium Releases Official Statement

“Our family extends to include animals in our care, our team members, and our guests,” said the Seaquarium.

The aquarium also said the collision was an accident according to a video from Local-10 ABC News in Miami.

“While there is no apparent serious injury, a careful watch and follow-up evaluations will ensure the best care for all.”

The aquarium has not suspended any shows and is said to be operating as usual since the incident, which is shown on video below, occurred:

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