Woman’s Tinder Date Hailed as “Man of the Year” After Becoming Her Birthing Partner On Date Four

Man of the year

Tinder is an app designed for more “fun” or casual get-togethers, but it can sometimes lead to much more than that.

In fact, one recent study actually suggested that if your marriage started on Tinder, it may have a better chance of lasting for a lifetime than you might think.

In the case of 25-year-old Max Silvy and 20-year-old Alyssa Hodges, their Tinder dates led to something perhaps even more surprising: the birth of Alyssa’s baby, and Max was there to lend a helping hand throughout the entire process.

“So the Fourth Date Was Him Coming to My Labor, and Birth, and Delivery, Like What?”

max and alyssa

Addressing the topic in a video posted by LADBible, Alyssa recounted the whirlwind relationship between herself and Max.

The previously pregnant woman said that Max came to her labor, birth and delivery on the fourth date.

“But he still stuck around so that’s the main thing,” she added.

When Max first offered to help with the labor duties, Alyssa initially felt worried that they would become too close.

That they only had a few dates, and they would break up at some point in the near future. That they didn’t know each other too well, and they didn’t know each other’s families.

“But long story short, he ended up coming, and he ended up basically being my biggest support,” Alyssa said.

Alyssa’s Tinder Profile Came With a Disclaimer

max and alyssa

Alyssa was up front on her Tinder profile about being pregnant.

But that didn’t deter Max one bit.

“There was something that caught my eye about Alyssa. Normally I wouldn’t swipe right on a pregnant girl, but there was just something about her,” Max said about their initial match.

“I was about six-and-a-half-months pregnant when I went on Tinder, and I clearly stated that on my bio,” Hodges, from Brisbane, Australia, told Kennedy News.

“I didn’t want to lead anyone on, so I was being open and honest. I wanted them to know what they were getting into right off the bat.”

Alyssa Goes Into Labor with Max By Her Side

On the day that Alyssa was supposed to pick Max up from the airport, she instead ended up in the hospital, waiting to give birth.

That’s when her newfound lover rushed to be by her side to help her during the labor pains, and everything else that goes along with these momentous occasions.

“On the day I went into labor, I was meant to be picking Max up from the airport as he was coming back from a work trip,” Alyssa said.

“That was the plan, but I ended up texting him saying, ‘I’m so sorry, you’ll have to get a taxi. I’m going into labor,” recalled Hodges of the day in September 2021.

“He hopped into a taxi when he got off the plane and came to the hospital and was there for me. My mom was also there supporting me, but she had a holiday, so she was here and there.

“Max was there for me through the whole labor and birth.”

A Baby is Born — And a New Love

max and alyssa give birth

After Alyssa gave birth to baby Ollie, Max decided to stay by her side, even taking work off to help her adjust to motherhood.

“We both knew that we liked each other and had strong feelings for each other. But the birth was the peaking point of our relationship, it bonded us,” said Hodges.

“Motherhood is a big adjustment for anybody, especially with me being younger. But Max taking a week off from work really helped.”

It was a big adjustment for both of them, but also an excellent bonding opportunity.

Max now considers Ollie his own child.

“Anxiety was the biggest thing. There were so many unknowns, so many things that I didn’t know about becoming a dad,” Max said.

“There’s a lot of learning that comes with being a new dad, but me and Ollie are bonding quite well.”

Max Earns “Man of the Year” Nickname After Social Media Posts

max tinder profile

Since Ollie’s birth, strangers from across the Internet have applauded Max for helping Alyssa and sticking by her side, even going as far as to call him “Man of the Year.”

They also want to know if he has a brother who may be single, now that Max is happily taken with his beautiful “Tinderella” by his side.

“On TikTok, everybody is asking if Max has a brother, calling him ‘Man of the Year’ and saying we were the cutest little family. It was a great reaction,” she said.

Alyssa believes that her and Max’s story is a testament to the power of love, and example of what happens when a man sticks by his significant other’s side no matter what.

“These days, there are a lot of unfortunate stories about men who take off when the woman becomes pregnant.

“Then here’s someone who comes in whilst you’re pregnant and is very actively involved in raising the child. It’s unheard of. I’m very lucky.”

Recommended Reading: The Sad Reality Of “Beautiful Women” on Social Media Today

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